Continuous Bump Attractor Networks Require Explicit Error Coding for Gain Recalibration

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: Gorkem Secer, James J. Knierim and Noah J. Cowan | Summary: Representations of continuous variables are crucial to create internal models of the external world. A prevailing model of how the brain maintains these representations is given by continuous bump attractor networks (CBANs) in a broad range of brain […]

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Metric Ion Classification (MIC): A deep learning tool for assigning ions and waters in cryo-EM and x-ray crystallography structures

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: Laura Shub, Wenjin Liu, Georgios Skiniotis, Michael J. Keiser and Michael J. Robertson | Summary: At sufficiently high resolution, x-ray crystallography and cryogenic electron microscopy are capable of resolving small spherical map features corresponding to either water or ions. Correct classification of these sites provides crucial insight for understanding […]

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Single neurons and networks in the claustrum integrate input from widespread cortical sources – Copy

Kavli Affiliate: Kristofer Bouchard | Authors: Jiali Lu, Sumithra Surendralal, Kristofer E Bouchard and Dezhe Z. Jin | Summary: Generative models have broad applications, ranging from language processing to analyzing bird-song. In this study, we demonstrate how a statistical test, designed to prevent overgeneralization in sequence generation, can be used to deduce minimal models for […]

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Single neurons and networks in the claustrum integrate input from widespread cortical sources

Kavli Affiliate: Clifford Kentros, Menno Witter | Authors: Andrew M Shelton, David K Oliver, Joachim S Grimstvedt, Ivan P Lazarte, Ishaan Kapoor, Jake A Swann, Caitlin A Ashcroft, Simon N Williams, Niall Conway, Amy Robinson, Clifford G Kentros, Menno P Witter, Simon JB Butt and Adam M Packer | Summary: The claustrum is highly interconnected […]

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Representing the dynamics of natural marmoset vocal behaviors in frontal cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Cory Miller | Authors: Jingwen Li, Mikio Christian Aoi and Cory Miller | Summary: Here we tested the respective contributions of primate premotor and prefrontal cortex to support vocal behavior. We applied a model-based GLM analysis that better accounts for the inherent variance in natural, continuous behaviors to characterize the activity of neurons […]

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Social state gates vision using three circuit mechanisms in Drosophila

Kavli Affiliate: Vanessa Ruta | Authors: Catherine E. Schretter, Tom Hindmarsh Sten, Nathan Klapoetke, Mei Shao, Aljoscha Nern, Marisa Dreher, Daniel Bushey, Alice A. Robie, Adam L. Taylor, Kristin M. Branson, Adriane Otopalik, Vanessa Ruta and Gerald M. Rubin | Summary: Animals are often bombarded with visual information and must prioritize specific visual features based […]

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Sparse-Coding Variational Auto-Encoders

Kavli Affiliate: Adam S. Charles | Authors: Victor Geadah, G. Barello, Adam Charles and Jonathan Pillow | Summary: The sparse coding model posits that the visual system has evolved to efficiently code natural stimuli using a sparse set of features from an overcomplete dictionary. The original sparse coding model suffered from two key limitations, however: […]

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Dynamic fibroblast-immune interactions shape wound healing after brain injury

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Molofsky and Jeanne Paz | Authors: Nathan A. Ewing-Crystal, Nicholas M. Mroz, Anthony A. Chang, Eric Dean Merrill, Sofia E. Caryotakis, Leon Teo, Amara Larpthaveesarp, Tatsuya Tsukui, Aditya Katewa, Remy Pennington, Gabriel L. McKinsey, Sophia Nelson, Agnieszka Ciesielska, Madelene W. Dahlgren, Helena Paidassi, Saket Jain, Manish K. Aghi, James A. Bourne, Jeanne […]

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Pavlovian cue-evoked alcohol seeking is disrupted by ventral pallidal inhibition

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Patricia Janak | Summary: Cues paired with alcohol can be potent drivers of craving, alcohol-seeking, consumption, and relapse. While the ventral pallidum is implicated in appetitive and consummatory responses across several reward classes and types of behaviors, its role in behavioral responses to Pavlovian alcohol cues has not previously […]

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Adaptation to visual sparsity enhances responses to infrequent stimuli

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Tong Gou, Catherine A Matulis and Damon A Clark | Summary: Sensory systems adapt their response properties to the statistics of their inputs. For instance, visual systems adapt to low-order statistics like mean and variance to encode the stimulus efficiently or to facilitate specific downstream computations. However, it remains […]

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