Cryo-EM Structures Reveal Tau Filaments from Down Syndrome Adopt Alzheimer’s Disease Fold

Kavli Affiliate: Stanley Prusiner | Authors: Ujjayini Ghosh, Eric Tse, Marie Shi, Hyunjun Yang, Feng Wang, Gregory E. Merz, Stanley B. Prusiner, Daniel R. Southworth and Carlo Condello | Summary: Down Syndrome (DS) is a common genetic condition caused by trisomy of chromosome 21. Among the complex clinical features including musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiovascular disabilities, […]

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Optineurin-facilitated axonal mitochondria delivery promotes neuroprotection and axon regeneration

Kavli Affiliate: Xin Duan | Authors: Dong Liu, Hannah C. Webber, Fuyun Bian, Yangfan Xu, Manjari Prakash, Xue Feng, Ming Yang, Hang Yang, In-Jee You, Liang Li, Liping Liu, Pingting Liu, Haoliang Huang, Chien-Yi Chang, Liang Liu, Sahil H. Shah, Anna La Torre, Derek S. Welsbie, Yang Sun, Xin Duan, Jeffrey L Goldberg, Marcus Braun, […]

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Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP): 3D Human Reference Atlas Construction and Usage

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Fan | Authors: Katy Boerner, Philip D Blood, Jonathan C Silverstein, Matthew Ruffalo, Sarah A Teichmann, Gloria Pryhuber, Ravi S Misra, Jeffrey M Purkerson, Jean Fan, John W Hickey, Gesmira Molla, Chuan Xu, Yun Zhang, Griffin M Weber, Yashvardhan Jain, Danial Qaurooni, Yongxin Kong, Andreas Bueckle and Bruce W Herr II | […]

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A mathematical theory of relational generalization in transitive inference

Kavli Affiliate: Vincent Ferrera | Authors: Samuel Lippl, Kenneth Kay, Greg Jensen, Vincent P. Ferrera and L.F. Abbott | Summary: Humans and animals routinely infer relations between different items or events and generalize these relations to novel combinations of items (“compositional generalization”). This allows them to respond appropriately to radically novel circumstances and is fundamental […]

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Foraging Under Uncertainty Follows the Marginal Value Theorem with Bayesian Updating of Environment Representations

Kavli Affiliate: Daeyeol Lee | Authors: James Webb, Paul Steffan, Benjamin Y Hayden, Daeyeol Lee, Caleb Kemere and Matthew McGinley | Summary: Foraging theory has been a remarkably successful approach to understanding the behavior of animals in many contexts. In patch-based foraging contexts, the marginal value theorem (MVT) shows that the optimal strategy is to […]

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Learning enhances behaviorally relevant representations in apical dendrites

Kavli Affiliate: Elizabeth Hillman | Authors: Sam E. Benezra, Kripa B. Patel, Citlali Pérez Campos, Elizabeth M. C. Hillman and Randy M Bruno | Summary: Learning alters cortical representations and improves perception. Apical tuft dendrites in Layer 1, which are unique in their connectivity and biophysical properties, may be a key site of learning-induced plasticity. […]

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Multiple and subject-specific roles of uncertainty in reward-guided decision-making

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Yu | Authors: Alexander Paunov, Maëva L’Hôtellier, Zoe He, Dalin Guo, Angela Yu and Florent Meyniel | Summary: Decision-making in noisy, changing, and partially observable environments entails a basic tradeoff between immediate reward and longer-term information gain, known as the exploration-exploitation dilemma. Computationally, an effective way to balance this tradeoff is by […]

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Contributions of mirror-image hair cell orientation to mouse otolith organ and zebrafish neuromast function

Kavli Affiliate: Kathleen Cullen | Authors: Kazuya Ono, Amandine Jarysta, Natasha Hughes, Alma Jukic, Vanessa H.H. Chang, Michael R Deans, Ruth Anne Eatock, Kathleen E Cullen, Katie S Kindt and Basile Tarchini | Summary: Otolith organs in the inner ear and neuromasts in the fish lateral-line harbor two populations of hair cells oriented to detect […]

Continue.. Contributions of mirror-image hair cell orientation to mouse otolith organ and zebrafish neuromast function

Chronic Ethanol Exposure Produces Persistent Impairment in Cognitive Flexibility and Decision Signals in the Striatum

Kavli Affiliate: Daeyeol Lee and Patricia Janak | Authors: Yifeng Cheng, Robin Magnard, Angela Langdon, Daeyeol Lee and Patricia H. Janak | Summary: Lack of cognitive flexibility is a hallmark of substance use disorders and has been associated with drug-induced synaptic plasticity in the dorsomedial striatum (DMS). Yet the possible impact of altered plasticity on […]

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Bioenergetic mapping of ‘healthy microbiomes’ via compound processing potential imprinted in gut and soil metagenomes

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Craig Liddicoat, Robert A Edwards, Michael J. Roach, Jake M Robinson, Kiri Joy Wallace, Andrew D Barnes, Joel Brame, Anna Heintz-Buschart, Timothy R Cavagnaro, Elizabeth A Dinsdale, Michael P Doane, Nico Eisenhauer, Grace Mitchell, Bibishan Rai, Sunita Ramesh and Martin F Breed | Summary: Microbiomes are critical to the […]

Continue.. Bioenergetic mapping of ‘healthy microbiomes’ via compound processing potential imprinted in gut and soil metagenomes