Sex chromosome gene expression associated with vocal learning following hormonal manipulation in female zebra finches

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: Matthew Davenport, Ha Na Choe, Hiroaki Matsunami and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Zebra finches are sexually dimorphic vocal learners. Males learn to sing by imitating mature conspecifics, but females do not. Absence of song in females is associated with atrophy and apparent repression of several vocal learning brain […]

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A circuit model for transsaccadic space updating and mislocalization

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Xiao Wang, Sophia Tsien, Michael E. Goldberg, Mingsha Zhang and Ning Qian | Summary: We perceive a stable, continuous world despite drastic changes of retinal images across saccades. However, while persistent objects in daily life appear stable across saccades, stimuli flashed around saccades can be grossly mislocalized. We address […]

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Transcriptional profiles of murine oligodendrocyte precursor cells across the lifespan

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles and Loyal Goff | Authors: Dongeun Heo, Anya A. Kim, Björn Neumann, Valerie N. Doze, Yu Kang T Xu, Yevgeniya A. Mironova, Jared Slosberg, Loyal A. Goff, Robin J. M. Franklin and Dwight E Bergles | Summary: Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) are highly dynamic, widely distributed glial cells of the central […]

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Oxytocin receptor controls distinct components of pair bonding and development in prairie voles

Kavli Affiliate: Devanand Manoli and Jeremy Willsey | Authors: Ruchira Sharma, Kristen M. Berendzen, Amanda Everitt, Belinda Wang, Gina Williams, Shuyu Wang, Kara Quine, Rose D. Larios, Kimberly L. P. Long, Nerissa Hoglen, Bibi Alika Sulaman, Marie C. Heath, Michael Sherman, Matthew Kinkel, Angela Cai, Denis Galo, Lizandro Chan Caamal, Nastacia L. Goodwin, Annaliese Beery, […]

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Drosophila Trus, the orthologue of mammalian PDCD2L, is required for proper cell proliferation, larval developmental timing, and oogenesis

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Saeko Takada, Bonnie J. Bolkan, MaryJane O’Connor, Michael Goldberg and Michael B. O’Connor | Summary: Toys are us (Trus) is the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian Programmed Cell Death 2-Like (PDCD2L), a protein that has been implicated in ribosome biogenesis, cell cycle regulation, and oncogenesis. In this study, we examined […]

Continue.. Drosophila Trus, the orthologue of mammalian PDCD2L, is required for proper cell proliferation, larval developmental timing, and oogenesis

Encoding manifolds constructed from grating responses organize responses to natural scenes in cortical visual areas

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Stryker | Authors: Luciano Dyballa, Greg D Field, Michael P Stryker and Steven W Zucker | Summary: We have created “encoding manifolds” to reveal the overall responses of a brain area to a variety of stimuli. Encoding manifolds organize response properties globally: each point on an encoding manifold is a neuron, and […]

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Closed-loop modulation of remote hippocampal representations with neurofeedback

Kavli Affiliate: Loren Frank | Authors: Michael E. Coulter, Anna K. Gillespie, Joshua P Chu, Eric L. Denovellis, Trevor T.K. Nguyen, Daniel Liu, Katherine Wadhwani, Biabhav Sharma, Kevin Wang, Xinyi Deng, Uri Eden, Caleb Kemere and Loren M. Frank | Summary: Humans can remember specific events without acting on them and can influence which memories […]

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Synaptic vesicle endocytosis deficits underlie GBA-linked cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson′s disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies

Kavli Affiliate: Sreeganga Chandra | Authors: D J Vidyadhara, David Backstrom, Risha Chakraborty, Jiapeng Ruan, Jae-Min Park, Pramod K. Mistry and Sreeganga S. Chandra | Summary: GBA mutations are major risk factors for Parkinson′s disease (PD) and Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), two common α-synucleinopathies associated with cognitive impairment. Here, we investigated the role of […]

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Type 2 diabetes remodels collateral circulation and promotes leukocyte adhesion following ischemic stroke

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Stryker | Authors: Yoshimichi Sato, Yuandong Li, Yuya Kato, Atsushi Kanoke, Yujiao Jennifer Sun, Yasuo Nishijima, Ruikang K Wang, Michael Stryker, Hidenori Endo and Jialing Liu | Summary: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with impaired leptomeningeal collateral compensation and poor stroke outcome. Neutrophils tethering and rolling on endothelium after stroke […]

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Endogenous neuronal DNA double-strand breaks are not sufficient to drive brain aging and neurodegeneration

Kavli Affiliate: Bjoern Schwer | Authors: Sarah Cohen, Laura Cheradame, Karishma Pratt, Sarah Collins, Ashlie Barillas, Annika Carlson, Vijay Ramani, Gaelle Legube, Saul Villeda, Dyche Mullins and Bjoern Schwer | Summary: Loss of genomic information due to the accumulation of somatic DNA damage has been implicated in aging and neurodegeneration. Somatic mutations in human neurons […]

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