Three-dimensional negative index of refraction at optical frequencies by coupling plasmonic waveguides

Kavli Affiliate: Kobus Kuipers | First 5 Authors: Ewold Verhagen, René de Waele, L., Kuipers, Albert Polman | Summary: We identify a route towards achieving a negative index of refraction at optical frequencies based on coupling between plasmonic waveguides that support backwards waves. We show how modal symmetry can be exploited in metal-dielectric waveguide pairs […]

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Active control of light trapping by means of local magnetic coupling.pdf

Kavli Affiliate: Laurens Kuipers | First 5 Authors: Matteo Burresi, Tobias Kampfrath, Dries van Oosten, Jord C. Prangsma, Bong-Shik Song | Summary: The ability to actively tune the properties of a nanocavity is crucial for future applications in photonics and quantum information. Two important man-made classes of materials have emerged to mold the flow of […]

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ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis) for intermittent fluctuations with global crossover behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Chang | First 5 Authors: Sunny W. Y. Tam, Tom Chang, Paul M. Kintner, Eric M. Klatt, | Summary: Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis (ROMA), a recently developed technique that combines the ideas of parametric rank ordering and one parameter scaling of monofractals, has the capabilities of deciphering the multifractal characteristics of intermittent fluctuations. […]

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Groups of Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

Kavli Affiliate: Catherine Grant | First 5 Authors: Eric D. Miller, Marshall Bautz, Catherine Grant, Ryan Hickox, Mark Brodwin | Summary: Galaxy groups are key tracers of galaxy evolution, cluster evolution, and structure formation, yet they are difficult to study at even moderate redshift. We have undertaken a project to observe a flux-limited sample of […]

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Computer simulations of the restricted primitive model at very low temperature and density

Kavli Affiliate: Jos W. Zwanikken | First 5 Authors: Chantal Valeriani, Philip J. Camp, Jos W. Zwanikken, René van Roij, Marjolein Dijkstra | Summary: The problem of successfully simulating ionic fluids at low temperature and low density states is well known in the simulation literature: using conventional methods, the system is not able to equilibrate […]

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Decade time-scale modulation of low mass X-ray binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Alan Levine | First 5 Authors: Martin Durant, Remon Cornelisse, Ron Remillard, Alan Levine, | Summary: Regular observations by the All Sky Monitor aboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite have yielded well-sampled light-curves with a time baseline of over ten years. We find that up to eight of the sixteen brightest persistent […]

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Broad-Band Soft X-ray Polarimetry

Kavli Affiliate: Ralf Heilmann | First 5 Authors: Herman L. Marshall, Ralf Heilmann, Norbert Schulz, Kendrah Murphy, | Summary: We developed an instrument design capable of measuring linear X-ray polarization over a broad-band using conventional spectroscopic optics. A set of multilayer-coated flats reflects the dispersed X-rays to the instrument detectors. The intensity variation with position […]

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Summary of the J-PARC UCN Taskforce

Kavli Affiliate: Tomiyoshi Haruyama | First 5 Authors: The J-Parc Ucn Taskforce, :, Tomokazu Aso, Masatoshi Futakawa, Tomiyoshi Haruyama | Summary: Discussions in the taskforce meetings in the period of Jan.-Mar. 2009 on the technical possibility of the ultracold neutron (UCN) source at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is summarized. | Search Query: […]

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Inflation of the screening length induced by Bjerrum pairs

Kavli Affiliate: Jos Zwanikken | First 5 Authors: Jos Zwanikken, René van Roij, , , | Summary: Within a modified Poisson-Boltzmann theory we study the effect of Bjerrum pairs on the typical length scale $1/bar{kappa}$ over which electric fields are screened in electrolyte solutions, taking into account a simple association-dissociation equilibrium between free ions and […]

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