Physical Principles for Scalable Neural Recording

Kavli Affiliate: Mikhail G. Shapiro | First 5 Authors: Adam H. Marblestone, Bradley M. Zamft, Yael G. Maguire, Mikhail G. Shapiro, Thaddeus R. Cybulski | Summary: Simultaneously measuring the activities of all neurons in a mammalian brain at millisecond resolution is a challenge beyond the limits of existing techniques in neuroscience. Entirely new approaches may […]

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Properties of type Ia supernovae inside rich galaxy clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua A. Frieman | First 5 Authors: Henrique S. Xavier, Ravi R. Gupta, Masao Sako, Chris B. D’Andrea, Joshua A. Frieman | Summary: We used the GMBCG galaxy cluster catalogue and SDSS-II supernovae data with redshifts measured by the BOSS project to identify 48 SNe Ia residing in rich galaxy clusters and compare […]

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Application of machine learning algorithms to the study of noise artifacts in gravitational-wave data

Kavli Affiliate: Erotokritos Katsavounidis | First 5 Authors: Rahul Biswas, Lindy Blackburn, Junwei Cao, Reed Essick, Kari Alison Hodge | Summary: The sensitivity of searches for astrophysical transients in data from the LIGO is generally limited by the presence of transient, non-Gaussian noise artifacts, which occur at a high-enough rate such that accidental coincidence across […]

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Planck 2013 results X. Energetic particle effects: characterization, removal, and simulation

Kavli Affiliate: E. P. S. Shellard | First 5 Authors: Planck Collaboration, P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, C. Armitage-Caplan, M. Arnaud | Summary: We describe the detection, interpretation, and removal of the signal resulting from interactions of high energy particles with the Planck High Frequency Instrument (HFI). There are two types of interactions: heating […]

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Comparison of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation; what we can learn about each from the other

Kavli Affiliate: John W. Belcher | First 5 Authors: Richard H. Price, John W. Belcher, David A. Nichols, , | Summary: We compare the nature of electromagnetic fields and of gravitational fields in linearized general relativity. We carry out this comparison both mathematically and visually. In particular the "lines of force" visualizations of electromagnetism are […]

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Single-Pass GPU-Raycasting for Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data

Kavli Affiliate: Ralf Kaehler | First 5 Authors: Ralf Kaehler, Tom Abel, , , | Summary: Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (SAMR) is a popular numerical technique to study processes with high spatial and temporal dynamic range. It reduces computational requirements by adapting the lattice on which the underlying differential equations are solved to most efficiently […]

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Higher-order defect mode laser in an optically thick photonic crystal slab

Kavli Affiliate: Axel Scherer | First 5 Authors: Se-Heon Kim, Jingqing Huang, Axel Scherer, , | Summary: The use of an optically thick slab may provide versatile solutions for the realization of a current injection type laser using photonic crystals. Here, we show that a transversely higher-order defect mode can be designed to be confined […]

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A new approach to simulating collisionless dark matter fluids

Kavli Affiliate: Ralf Kaehler | First 5 Authors: Oliver Hahn, Tom Abel, Ralf Kaehler, , | Summary: Recently, we have shown how current cosmological N-body codes already follow the fine grained phase-space information of the dark matter fluid. Using a tetrahedral tesselation of the three-dimensional manifold that describes perfectly cold fluids in six-dimensional phase space, […]

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