The putative center in NGC 1052

Kavli Affiliate: Bradford A. Benson | First 5 Authors: Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Matthias Kadler, Eduardo Ros, Christian M. Fromm, Maciek Wielgus | Summary: Many active galaxies harbor powerful relativistic jets, however, the detailed mechanisms of their formation and acceleration remain poorly understood. To investigate the area of jet acceleration and collimation with the highest available angular […]

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Deep inference of simulated strong lenses in ground-based surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman | First 5 Authors: Jason Poh, Ashwin Samudre, Aleksandra Ćiprijanović, Joshua Frieman, Gourav Khullar | Summary: The large number of strong lenses discoverable in future astronomical surveys will likely enhance the value of strong gravitational lensing as a cosmic probe of dark energy and dark matter. However, leveraging the increased statistical […]

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How to Minimize the Decoherence Caused by Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Robert M. Wald | First 5 Authors: Daine L. Danielson, Jonah Kudler-Flam, Gautam Satishchandran, Robert M. Wald, | Summary: We consider an experimentalist, Alice, who creates a quantum superposition of a charged or massive body outside of a black hole (or, more generally, in the presence of a Killing horizon). It was previously […]

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Deep Photometric Observations of Ultra-Faint Milky Way Satellites Centaurus I and Eridanus IV

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji | First 5 Authors: Quinn O. Casey, Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil, David J. Sand, Andrew B. Pace, Denija Crnojevic | Summary: We present deep Magellan$+$Megacam imaging of Centaurus I (Cen I) and Eridanus IV (Eri IV), two recently discovered Milky Way ultra-faint satellites. Our data reach $sim2-3$ magnitudes deeper than the discovery […]

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Probing triple-gauge couplings in anomalous gauge theories at hadron and lepton colliders

Kavli Affiliate: Carlos E. M. Wagner | First 5 Authors: Anibal D. Medina, Nicolás I. Mileo, Alejandro Szynkman, Santiago A. Tanco, Carlos E. M. Wagner | Summary: Gauge anomalous quantum field theories are inconsistent as full UV theories since they lead to the breaking of Lorentz invariance or Unitarity, as well as non-renormalizability. It is […]

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Strong Lensing analysis of SPT-CLJ2325$-$4111 and SPT-CLJ0049$-$2440, two Powerful Cosmic Telescopes ($R_E > 40”$) from the SPT Clusters Sample

Kavli Affiliate: Lindsey E. Bleem | First 5 Authors: Guillaume Mahler, Keren Sharon, Matthew Bayliss, Lindsey. E. Bleem, Mark Brodwin | Summary: We report the results from a study of two massive ($M_{500c} > 6.0 times 10^{14} M_{odot}$) strong lensing clusters selected from the South Pole Telescope cluster survey for their high Einstein radius ($R_E […]

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Testing the Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism with Lepton Violation

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Claudia Cornella, David Curtin, Gordan Krnjaic, Micah Mellors, | Summary: The Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism offers an elegant explanation for the observed masses and mixings of Standard Model fermions. In this work, we systematically study FN models in the lepton sector, identifying a broad range of charge assignments […]

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Higher-Dimensional Black Holes and Effective Field Theory

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Daniel Glazer, Austin Joyce, Maria J. Rodriguez, Luca Santoni, Adam R. Solomon | Summary: We study the scalar tidal responses of spinning higher-dimensional black holes, and their effective field theory description. After constructing the effective field theory of a spinning point particle in general dimension, we apply […]

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Flavor Physics at CEPC: a General Perspective

Kavli Affiliate: Jonathan L. Rosner | First 5 Authors: Xiaocong Ai, Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Peter Athron, Xiaozhi Bai, Lorenzo Calibbi | Summary: We discuss the landscape of flavor physics at the Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC), based on the nominal luminosity outlined in its Technical Design Report. The CEPC is designed to operate in multiple modes to […]

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The effects of different cooling and heating function models on a simulated analog of NGC300

Kavli Affiliate: Nickolay Y. Gnedin | First 5 Authors: David Robinson, Camille Avestruz, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Vadim A. Semenov, | Summary: Gas cooling and heating rates are vital components of hydrodynamic simulations. However, they are computationally expensive to evaluate exactly with chemical networks or photoionization codes. We compare two different approximation schemes for gas cooling […]

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