Predicted and Experimental NMR Chemical Shifts at Variable Temperatures: The Effect of Protein Conformational Dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Ann McDermott | Authors: Xu Yi, Lichirui Zhang, Richard Friesner and Ann E McDermott | Summary: NMR chemical shifts provide a sensitive probe of protein structure and dynamics. Prediction of shifts, and therefore interpretation of shifts, particularly for the frequently measured amidic 15N sites, remains a tall challenge. We demonstrate that protein 15N […]

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Zinc Alters the Supramolecular Organization of Nucleic Acid Complexes with Full-Length TIA1

Kavli Affiliate: Ann McDermott | Authors: Yizhuo Yang, Keith Fritzsching, Sasha He and Ann E McDermott | Summary: T-Cell Intracellular Antigen-1 (TIA1) is a 43 kDa multi-domain RNA-binding protein involved in stress granule formation during eukaryotic stress response, and has been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases including Welander distal myopathy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. TIA1 contains […]

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Common rules underlying optogenetic and behavioral modulation of responses in multi-cell-type V1 circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Agostina Palmigiano, Francesco Fumarola, Daniel P. Mossing, Nataliya Kraynyukova, Hillel Adesnik and Kenneth Miller | Summary: The visual cortex receives non-sensory inputs containing behavioral and brain state information. Here we propose a parallel between optogenetic and behavioral modulations of activity and characterize their impact on cell-type-specific V1 processing under […]

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Hierarchical Deviant Processing in Auditory Cortex of Awake Mice

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Dan Luo, Ji Liu, Ryszard Auksztulewicz, Tony Ka Wing Yip, Patrick O. Kanold and Jan W. Schnupp | Summary: Detecting patterns, and noticing unexpected pattern changes, in the environment is a vital aspect of sensory processing. Adaptation and prediction error responses are two components of neural processing related to […]

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Neuroimmune cortical organoids overexpressing C4A exhibit multiple schizophrenia endophenotypes

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Kato | Authors: Morgan M Stanton, Sara Modan, Patrick M Taylor, Harsh N Hariani, Jordan Sorokin, Brian G Rash, Sneha B Rao, Alejandro Lopez-Tobon, Luigi Enriquez, Brenda Dang, Dorah Owango, Shannon O’Neill, Carlos Castrillo, Justin Nicola, Kathy Ye, Robert M Blattner, Federico Gonzalez, Dexter Antonio, Pavan Ramkumar, Andy Lash, Douglas Flanzer, Sophia […]

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Hippocampal area CA2 controls seizure dynamics, interictal EEG abnormalities and social comorbidity in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy

Kavli Affiliate: Steven Siegelbaum | Authors: Christos Panagiotis Lisgaras, Azahara Oliva, Sam Mckenzie, John LaFrancois, Steven A. Siegelbaum and Helen E. Scharman | Summary: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures, abnormal activity between seizures, and impaired behavior. CA2 pyramidal neurons (PNs) are potentially important because inhibiting them with a chemogenetic approach […]

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EHD1-dependent traffic of IGF-1 receptor to the cell surface is essential for Ewing sarcoma tumorigenesis and metastasis

Kavli Affiliate: Jose Suarez Lopez | Authors: Sukanya Chakraborty, Aaqib M. Bhat, Insha Mushtaq, Haitao Luan, Achyuth Kalluchi, Sameer Mirza, Matthew D. Storck, Nagendra Chaturvedi, Jose Antonio Lopez-Guerreo, Antonio Llombart-Bosch, Isidro Machado, Jane L. Meza, Gargi Ghosal, Donald W. Coulter, Jordan M. Rowley, Vimla Band, Bhopal C. Mohapatra and Hamid Band | Summary: We previously […]

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Learning fast and fine-grained detection of amyloid neuropathologies from coarse-grained expert labels

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: Daniel R. Wong, Shino D. Magaki, Harry V. Vinters, William H. Yong, Edwin S. Monuki, Christopher K. Williams, Alessandra C. Martini, Charles DeCarli, Chris Khacherian, John P. Graff, Brittany N. Dugger and Michael J. Keiser | Summary: Precise, scalable, and quantitative evaluation of whole slide images is crucial in […]

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Grapevine scion gene expression is driven by rootstock and environment interaction

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Wu | Authors: Zachary N Harris, Julia E Pratt, Laszlo G Kovacs, Laura L Klein, Misha T Kwasniewski, Jason P Londo, Angela Wu and Allison J Miller | Summary: BACKGROUND Grafting is a horticultural practice used widely across woody perennial crop species to fuse together the root and shoot system of two […]

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The neural activity of auditory conscious perception

Kavli Affiliate: Hal Blumenfeld | Authors: Kate L. Christison-Lagay, Noah C. Freedman, Christopher Micek, Aya Khalaf, Sharif I. Kronemer, Mariana M. Gusso, Lauren Kim, Sarit Forman, Julia Ding, Mark Aksen, Ahmad Abdel-Aty, Hunki Kwon, Noah Markowitz, Erin Yeagle, Elizabeth Espinal, Jose Herrero, Stephan Bickel, James Young, Ashesh Mehta, Kun Wu, Jason Gerrard, Eyiyemisi Damisah, Dennis […]

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