The spinal premotor network driving scratching flexor and extensor alternation

Kavli Affiliate: Eiman Azim and Tatyana Sharpee | Authors: Mingchen Yao, Akira Nagamori, Eiman Azim, Tatyana Sharpee, Martyn Goulding, David Golomb and Graziana Gatto | Summary: Rhythmic motor behaviors are generated by neural networks termed central pattern generators (CPGs). Although locomotor CPGs have been extensively characterized, it remains unknown how the neuronal populations composing them […]

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WormID-Benchmark: Extracting Whole-Brain Neural Dynamics of C. elegans At the Neuron Resolution

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Kato | Authors: Jason Adhinarta, Jizheng Dong, Tianxiao He, Daniel Sprague, JIa Wan, Hyun Jee Lee, Zikai Yu, Hang Lu, Eviatar Yemini, Saul Kato, Erdem Varol and Donglai Wei | Summary: The nematode C. elegans is a well-studied model organism for characterizing the structure, connectivity, and function of a complete nervous system. […]

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The superior colliculus gates dopamine responses to conditioned stimuli in visual classical conditioning

Kavli Affiliate: John Reynolds | Authors: Yan-Feng Zhang, Jean-Philippe Dufour, Peter Zatka-Haas, Peter Redgrave, Melony J Black, Armin Lak, Ed Mann, Stephanie J Cragg, Wickliffe Abraham and John NJ Reynolds | Summary: In classical Pavlovian conditioning, it is well-established that midbrain dopamine neurons respond to conditioned stimuli (CS) that predict a reward. However, how the […]

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Targeted stimulation of motor cortex neural ensembles drives learned movements

Kavli Affiliate: Takaki Komiyama | Authors: An Wu, Qiyu Chen, Bin Yu, Soyoung Chae, Zijing Tan, Assaf Ramot and Takaki Komiyama | Summary: During the execution of learned motor skills, the neural population in the layer 2/3 (L2/3) of the primary motor cortex (M1) expresses a reproducible spatiotemporal activity pattern. It is debated whether M1 […]

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C. elegans LET-381/FoxF and DMD-4/DMRT control development of the mesodermal HMC endothelial cell

Kavli Affiliate: Shai Shaham | Authors: Nikolaos Stefanakis, Jasmine Xi, Jessica Jiang and Shai Shaham | Summary: Endothelial cells form the inner layer of blood vessels and play key roles in circulatory system development and function. A variety of endothelial cell types have been described through gene expression and transcriptome studies; nonetheless, the transcriptional programs […]

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Pathological microcircuits initiate epileptiform events in patient hippocampal slices

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: Matthew Elliott, John P. Andrews, Tjitse van der Molen, Jinghui Geng, Alex Spaeth, Anna Toledo, Kateryna Voitiuk, Cordero Core, Thomas Gillespie, Ari Sinervo, David F. Parks, Ash Robbins, Daniel Solis, Edward F. Chang, Tomasz J Nowakowski, Mircea Teodorescu, David Haussler and Tal Sharf | Summary: How seizures begin at […]

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Navigating the Maze: Identifying Potential Pitfalls in Attention State Classification from fMRI Brain Patterns

Kavli Affiliate: David Linden | Authors: Ruben Andreas Bressler, Assunta Ciarlo, Sophie Raible, Giancarlo Valente, Michael Lührs, Ralph Tier, David E Linden and Rainer Goebel | Summary: Multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) is a powerful technique to decode brain states from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity patterns. In neurofeedback (NF) applications, it has been used […]

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Gene regulatory networks and essential transcription factors for de novo originated genes

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Junhui Peng, Bing-Jun Wang, Nicolas Svetec and Li Zhao | Summary: The regulation of gene expression is crucial for the functional integration of evolutionarily young genes, particularly those that emerge de novo. However, the regulatory programs governing the expression of de novo genes remain unknown. To address this, we […]

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A spatial model of autophosphorylation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) predicts that the lifetime of phospho-CaMKII after induction of synaptic plasticity is greatly prolonged by CaM-trapping.

Kavli Affiliate: Terrence Sejnowski | Authors: Thomas M Bartol, Mariam Ordyan, Terrence J Sejnowski, Padmini Rangamani and Mary B Kennedy | Summary: Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a biochemical process that underlies learning in excitatory glutamatergic synapses in the Central Nervous System (CNS). The critical early driver of LTP is autophosphorylation of the abundant postsynaptic enzyme, […]

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Functional organization and natural scene responses across mouse visual cortical areas revealed with encoding manifolds – Copy

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: Venkata Shiva Mandala and Roderick MacKinnon | Summary: Gating in voltage-dependent ion channels is regulated by the transmembrane voltage. This form of regulation is enabled by voltage sensing domains (VSDs) that respond to transmembrane voltage differences by changing their conformation and exerting force on the pore to open or […]

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