Gene count normalization in single-cell imaging-based spatially resolved transcriptomics

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Fan | Authors: Lyla Atta, Kalen Clifton, Manjari Anant and Jean Fan | Summary: Recent advances in imaging-based spatially resolved transcriptomics (im-SRT) technologies now enable high-throughput profiling of targeted genes and their locations in fixed tissues. Normalization of gene expression data is often needed to account for technical factors that may confound […]

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Next Generation Neuropeptide Y Receptor Small Molecule Agonists Inhibit Mosquito Biting Behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Leslie B. Vosshall and Michael Miller | Authors: Emely V. Zeledon, Leigh A. Baxt, Tanweer A. Khan, Mayako Michino, Michael Miller, David J. Huggins, Caroline S. Jiang, Leslie B. Vosshall and Laura B. Duvall | Summary: Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can spread disease-causing pathogens when they bite humans to obtain blood nutrients required […]

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Overexpression of PpGL2 from Prunus persica enhanced soybean drought tolerance

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Wei Li, Dahong Li, Li Zhao and Hongyan Li | Summary: The HD-ZIP transcription factor family plays crucial roles in plant growth and abiotic stress responses. While its diverse functions and regulatory mechanisms are well-documented, its role in conferring abiotic stress tolerance in peaches remains largely unexplored. Here, we […]

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A disrupted compartment boundary underlies abnormal cardiac patterning and congenital heart defects

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Irfan S Kathiriya, Martin H Dominguez, Kavitha S Rao, Jonathon M. Muncie-Vasic, W. Patrick Devine, Kevin M. Hu, Swetansu K Hota, Bayardo I Garay, Diego Quintero, Piyush Goyal, Megan N Matthews, Reuben Thomas, Tatyana Sukonnik, Dario Miguel-Perez, Sarah Winchester, Emily F Brower, André Forjaz, Pei-Hsun Wu, Denis Wirtz, Ashley […]

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Cephalopod Sex Determination and its Ancient Evolutionary Origin Revealed by Chromosome-level Assembly of the California two-spot Octopus

Kavli Affiliate: Scott Small | Authors: Gabrielle C. Coffing, Silas Tittes, Scott T. Small, Jeremea O. Songco-Casey, Denise M. Piscopo, Judit R. Pungor, Adam C Miller, Cristopher Niell and Andrew D. Kern | Summary: Sex chromosomes are critical elements of sexual reproduction in many animal and plant taxa, however they show incredible diversity and rapid […]

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Interneuron loss and microglia activation by transcriptome analyses in the basal ganglia of Tourette syndrome

Kavli Affiliate: Flora Vaccarino | Authors: Yifan Wang, Liana Fasching, Feinan Wu, Anita Huttner, Sabina Berretta, Rosalinda Roberts, James F. Leckman, Alexej Abyzov and Flora M. Vaccarino | Summary: Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder of high-order integration of sensory, motor, and cognitive functions afflicting as many as 1 in 150 children and characterized by […]

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Distal tuft dendrites shape and maintain new place fields

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux Attila Losonczy | Authors: Justin K. O’Hare, Jamie Wang, Margjele D. Shala, Franck Polleux and Attila Losonczy | Summary: Hippocampal pyramidal neurons support episodic memory by integrating complementary information streams into new ‘place fields’. Distal tuft dendrites are thought to initiate place field formation via plateau potentials. However, the hitherto experimental […]

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A 2D Gabor-wavelet baseline model out-performs a 3D surface model in scene-responsive cortex

Kavli Affiliate: John Serences | Authors: Anna Shafer-Skelton, Timothy F Brady and John T Serences | Summary: Understanding 3D representations of spatial information, particularly in naturalistic scenes, remains a significant challenge in vision science. This is largely because of conceptual difficulties in disentangling higher-level 3D information from co-occurring features and cues (e.g., the 3D shape […]

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MarmoPose: A Deep Learning-Based System for Real-time Multi-Marmoset 3D Pose Tracking

Kavli Affiliate: Xiaoqin Wang | Authors: Chaoqun Cheng, Zijian Huang, Ruiming Zhang, Guozheng Huang, Han Wang, Likai Tang and Xiaoqin Wang | Summary: The common marmoset has become an important experimental animal model in scientific research. The ability to capture and quantify behaviors of marmosets in natural environment and social scenarios is highly desired by […]

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Solving the where problem in neuroanatomy: a generative framework with learned mappings to register multimodal, incomplete data into a reference brain

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Daniel Jacob Tward, Bryson D P Gray, Xu Li, Bingxing Huo, Samik Banerjee, Stephen Savoia, Christopher Mezias, Sukhendu Das, Michael Miller and Partha Pratim Mitra | Summary: A current focus of research in neuroscience is to enumerate, map and annotate neuronal cell types in whole vertebrate brains using different […]

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