Sliding windows analysis can undo the effects of preprocessing when applied to fMRI data

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Lindquist | Authors: Martin Lindquist | Summary: Resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) data is used to study the intrinsic functional connectivity (FC) in the human brain. Recently, interest has focused on studying the temporal dynamics of FC on short timescales, ranging from seconds to minutes. These studies of time-varying FC (TVFC) have enabled the […]

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The microtubule regulator EFA-6 forms spatially restricted cortical foci dependent on its intrinsically disordered region and interactions with tubulins

Kavli Affiliate: Yishi Jin | Authors: Anjali Sandhu, Xiaohui Lyu, Xinghaoyun Wan, Xuefeng Meng, Ngang Heok Tang, Gilberto Gonzalez, Ishana N Syed, Lizhen Chen, Yishi Jin and Andrew D Chisholm | Summary: Microtubules (MTs) are dynamic components of the cytoskeleton and play essential roles in morphogenesis and maintenance of tissue and cell integrity. Despite recent […]

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Increased functional integration of emotional control network in late adulthood

Kavli Affiliate: Maryam Ziaei | Authors: Leona R Baetz, Shuer Ye, Xiaqing Lan and Maryam Ziaei | Summary: Across the adult lifespan, there are changes in how emotions are perceived and regulated. As individuals age, there is an observed improvement in emotion regulation and overall quicker recovery from negative emotions. While previous studies have shown […]

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Leptin Activated Hypothalamic BNC2 Neurons Acutely Suppress Food Intake

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey M. Friedman | Authors: Han L. Tan, Luping Yin, Yuqi Tan, Jessica Ivanov, Kaja Plucinska, Anoj Ilanges, Brian R Herb, Putianqi Wang, Christin Kosse, Paul Cohen, Dayu Lin and Jeffrey M Friedman | Summary: Leptin is an adipose tissue hormone that maintains homeostatic control of adipose tissue mass by regulating the activity […]

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A Simple Subcortical Feeding Circuit Linking Interoceptive Inputs to Consummatory Behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Zachary Knight and Jeffrey M. Friedman | Authors: Christin Kosse, Jessica Ivanov, Zachary Knight, Kyle Pellegrino and Jeffrey Friedman | Summary: TThe brain processes an array of stimuli enabling the selection of an appropriate behavioural response but the underlying circuitry linking inputs to outputs is unknown. Here we delineate a subcortical circuit in […]

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Hybracter: Enabling Scalable, Automated, Complete and Accurate Bacterial Genome Assemblies

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: George Bouras, Ghais Houtak, Ryan R Wick, Vijini Mallawaarachchi, Michael J. Roach, Bhavya Papudeshi, Louise M Judd, Anna E Sheppard, Robert A Edwards and Sarah Vreugde | Summary: Improvements in the accuracy and availability of long-read sequencing mean that complete bacterial genomes are now routinely reconstructed using hybrid (i.e. […]

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Evolutionary rescue of spherical mreB deletion mutants of the rod-shape bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Paul Richard Yulo, Nicolas Desprat, Monica L. Gerth, Barbara Ritzl-Rinkenberger, Andrew D Farr, Yunhao Liu, Xue-Xian Zhang, Michael Miller, Felipe Cava, Paul B. Rainey and Heather L Hendrickson | Summary: Maintenance of rod-shape in bacterial cells depends on the actin-like protein MreB. Deletion of mreB from Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 […]

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Ultra-high density electrodes improve detection, yield, and cell type identification in neuronal recordings

Kavli Affiliate: Xiaoqin Wang | Authors: Liam Paninski and Nathaniel Sawtell | Summary: To understand the neural basis of behavior, it is essential to sensitively and accurately measure neural activity at single neuron and single spike resolution. Extracellular electrophysiology delivers this, but it has biases in the neurons it detects and it imperfectly resolves their […]

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Tonotopic organization of auditory cortex in awake marmosets revealed by multi-modal wide-field optical imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Xiaoqin Wang | Authors: Xindong Song, Yueqi Guo, Chenggang Chen, Jong Hoon Lee and Xiaoqin Wang | Summary: Tonotopic organization of the auditory cortex has been extensively studied in many mammalian species using various methodologies and physiological preparations. Tonotopy mapping in primates, however, is more limited due to constraints such as cortical folding, […]

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Activation of hypoactive parvalbumin-positive fast-spiking interneuron restores dentate inhibition to prevent epileptiform activity in the mouse intrahippocampal kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Sang-Hun Lee, Young-Jin Kang and Bret N Smith | Summary: Parvalbumin-positive (PV+) GABAergic interneurons in the dentate gyrus provide powerful perisomatic inhibition of dentate granule cells (DGCs) to prevent overexcitation and maintain the stability of dentate gyrus circuits. Most dentate PV+ interneurons survive status epilepticus, but surviving PV+ interneuron […]

Continue.. Activation of hypoactive parvalbumin-positive fast-spiking interneuron restores dentate inhibition to prevent epileptiform activity in the mouse intrahippocampal kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy