xIV-LDDMM Toolkit: A Suite of Image-Varifold Based Technologies for Representing and Mapping 3D Imaging and Spatial-omics Data Simultaneously Across Scales

Kavli Affiliate: Laurent Younes and Michael Miller | Authors: Kaitlin Stouffer, Xiaoyin Chen, Hongkui Zeng, Benjamin Charlier, Laurent Younes, Alain Trouve and Michael I Miller | Summary: Advancements in imaging and molecular techniques enable the collection of subcellular-scale data. Diversity in measured features, resolution, and physical scope of capture across technologies and experimental protocols pose […]

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A consensus definition for deep layer 6 excitatory neurons in mouse neocortex

Kavli Affiliate: Solange Brown, Loyal Goff, and Patrick Kanold | Authors: Su-Jeong Kim, Travis A. Babola, Kihwan Lee, Chanel J. Matney, Alina C. Spiegel, Michael H. Liew, Eva M. Schulteis, Austin E. Coye, Mikhail Proskurin, Hyunwook Kang, Julia A. Kim, Maxime Chevee, Kiwoong Lee, Patrick O. Kanold, Loyal A. Goff, Juhyun Kim and Solange P […]

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Defective glycosylation and ELFN1 binding of mGluR6 congenital stationary night blindness mutants

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Mustansir Pindwarawala, Faiyaz A. K. Abid, Jaeeun Lee, Michael L. Miller, Juliet S. Noppers, Andrew P. Rideout and Melina A. Agosto | Summary: Summary: Synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to ON-bipolar cells (BCs) requires the postsynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR6, located at BC dendritic tips. Binding of the neurotransmitter glutamate […]

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Inhibition of Indirect Pathway Activity Causes Abnormal Decision-Making In a Mouse Model of Impulse Control Disorder in Parkinson’s Disease

Kavli Affiliate: Alexandra Nelson | Authors: Xiaowen Zhuang, Julia Lemak, Sadhana Sridhar and Alexandra B Nelson | Summary: Summary: Healthy action selection relies on the coordinated activity of striatal direct and indirect pathway neurons. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), in which loss of midbrain dopamine neurons is associated with progressive motor and cognitive deficits, this coordination […]

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Striatal lateral inhibition regulates action selection in a mouse model of levodopa-induced dyskinesia

Kavli Affiliate: Alexandra Nelson | Authors: Emily L Twedell, Chloe J Bair-Marshall, Allison E Girasole, Lara K Scaria, Sadhana Sridhar and Alexandra B Nelson | Summary: Summary: Striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) integrate multiple external inputs to shape motor output. In addition, MSNs form local inhibitory synaptic connections with one another. The function of striatal […]

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Tau P301S Transgenic Mice Develop Gait and Eye Movement Impairments That Mimic Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Kavli Affiliate: Alexandra Nelson | Authors: Rose B Creed, Scott C Harris, Sadhana Sridhar, Sascha du Lac, David S Zee, Felice A Dunn, Guy Bouvier and Alexandra B Nelson | Summary: Summary: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neurodegenerative disorder with an estimated prevalence of 5-7 people in 100,000. Clinically characterized by impairments in gait, […]

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Electrostatic interactions define nacubactam potency against OXA-48-like β-lactamases

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Beer | Authors: Joseph F Hoff, Kirsty E Goudar, Michael Beer, Philip Hinchliffe, John M Shaw, Catherine L Tooke, Yuiko Takebayashi, Adrian J Mulholland, Christopher J Schofield and James Spencer | Summary: Carbapenemases, β-lactamases hydrolysing carbapenem antibiotics, severely challenge treatment of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. OXA-48 is among the most widely disseminated […]

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behaviorMate: An Intranet of Things Approach for Adaptable Control of Behavioral and Navigation-Based Experiments

Kavli Affiliate: Attila Losonczy | Authors: Kyu Sang Han, Inbal B Sander, Jacqueline Kumer, Eric Preston Resnick, Clare Booth, Bartholomew Starich, Jeremy Walston, Ashley L Kiemen, Sashank Reddy, Corrine Joshu, Joel Sunshine, Denis Wirtz and Pei-Hsun Wu | Summary: Investigators conducting behavioral experiments often need precise control over the timing of the delivery of stimuli […]

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Directed evolution of the multicopper oxidase laccase for cell surface proximity labeling and electron microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Song-Yi Lee, Heegwang Roh, David Gonzalez-Perez, Mason R Mackey, Keun-Young Kim, Daniel Hoces, Colleen McLaughlin, Stephen R Adams, Khanh Nguyen, David J Luginbuhl, Liqun Luo, Namrata Udeshi, Steven A Carr, Rogelio A Hernandez-Lopez, Mark Ellisman, Miguel Alcalde and Alice Y Ting | Summary: Enzymes that oxidize aromatic substrates have […]

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Separating the control of moving and holding still in post-stroke arm paresis

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Alkis M. Hadjiosif, Kahori Kita, Scott T. Albert, Robert A. Scheidt, Reza Shadmehr and John W. Krakauer | Summary: Moving and holding still have been posited to be under separate control regimes for both eye and arm movements. The paretic arm after stroke is notable for abnormalities both at […]

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