Analysis of the weak lensing mass-richness relation of redMaPPer clusters in the LSST DESC DC2 simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Eli S. Rykoff | First 5 Authors: Constantin Payerne, Zhuowen Zhang, Michel Aguena, Céline Combet, Thibault Guillemin | Summary: Cluster scaling relations are key ingredients in cluster abundance-based cosmological studies. In optical cluster cosmology, weak gravitational lensing has proven to be a powerful tool to constrain the cluster mass-richness relation. This work is […]

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Phase transition in a doubly holographic model of closed $mathbf{dS_{2} }$ spacetime

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Wen-Hao Jiang, Cheng Peng, Yun-Song Piao, , | Summary: Double holography has been proved to be a powerful method in comprehending the spacetime entanglement. In this paper we investigate the doubly holographic construction in ${mathrm{dS_{2}} }$ spacetime. We find that in this model there exists a new […]

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Comparing observed properties of winds in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei with theoretical predictions

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Fangzheng Shi, Feng Yuan, Francesco Tombesi, Fu-guo XIe, | Summary: Theoretical and numerical simulations of black hole hot accretion flows have shown the ubiquitous existence of winds and predicted their properties such as velocity and mass flux. In this paper, we have summarized from literature the physical […]

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BLTP3A is associated with membranes of the late endocytic pathway and is an effector of CASM

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro De Camilli | Authors: Michael G Hanna, Hely O Rodriguez Cruz, Kenshiro Fujise, Yumei Wu, C Shan Xu, Song Pang, Li Zhuoning, Mara Monetti and Pietro De Camilli | Summary: Recent studies have identified a family of rod-shaped proteins thought to mediate lipid transfer at intracellular membrane contacts by a bridge-like mechanism. […]

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A vector calculus for neural computation in the cerebellum

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Alden Shoup, Paul Hage, Hisham Elseweifi and Reza Shadmehr | Summary: Null space theory predicts that a neuron will often generate spikes not to produce behavior, but to prevent another neuron’s impact on behavior. Here, we present a direct test of this theory in the brain. […]

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Long-Term X-ray Variability on the Benchmark YSO HL Tau

Kavli Affiliate: Moritz Guenther | First 5 Authors: Steven M. Silverberg, Scott J. Wolk, David A. Principe, P. Christian Schneider, Hans Moritz Guenther | Summary: HL Tau is one of the most well-studied Class I young stellar objects, including frequent observations at near- and mid-infrared, (sub-) millimeter, and X-ray wavelengths. We present the results of […]

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Gamma-ray emission from decays of boosted nuclei in proto-magnetar jets

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Sean Heston, Nick Ekanger, Shunsaku Horiuchi, , | Summary: We examine the detectability of $gamma$-ray emission originating from the radioactive decays of unstable nuclei that are synthesized in relativistic outflows launched in magneto-rotational core-collapse supernovae. The observed lines have enhanced energies due to the Lorentz boosted nuclei […]

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Geometric Interpretations of the $k$-Nearest Neighbour Distributions

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Kwanit Gangopadhyay, Arka Banerjee, Tom Abel, , | Summary: The $k$-Nearest Neighbour Cumulative Distribution Functions are measures of clustering for discrete datasets that are fast and efficient to compute. They are significantly more informative than the 2-point correlation function. Their connection to $N$-point correlation functions, void probability […]

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High-Temperature Strong Nonreciprocal Thermal Radiation from Semiconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Harry Atwater | First 5 Authors: Bardia Nabavi, Sina Jafari Ghalehkohne, Komron J. Shayegan, Eric J. Tervo, Harry Atwater | Summary: Nonreciprocal thermal emitters that break the conventional Kirchhoff’s law allow independent control of emissivity and absorptivity and promise exciting new functionalities in controlling heat flow for thermal and energy applications. In enabling […]

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Towards MatCore: A Unified Metadata Standard for Materials Science

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Jane Greenberg, Pamela Boveda-Aguirre, John Allison, Pietro Asinari, Maria Chan | Summary: The materials science community seeks to support the FAIR principles for computational simulation research. The MatCore Project was recently launched to address this need, with the goal of developing an overall metadata framework and […]

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