Energy-Efficient Ultrashort-Pulse Characterization using Nanophotonic Parametric Amplification

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Thomas Zacharias, Robert Gray, Ryoto Sekine, James Williams, Selina Zhou | Summary: The growth of ultrafast nanophotonic circuits necessitates the development of energy-efficient on-chip pulse characterization techniques. Nanophotonic realizations of Frequency Resolved Optical Gating, a common pulse characterization technique in bulk optics, have been challenging due to […]

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IE-Bench: Advancing the Measurement of Text-Driven Image Editing for Human Perception Alignment

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Shangkun Sun, Bowen Qu, Xiaoyu Liang, Songlin Fan, Wei Gao | Summary: Recent advances in text-driven image editing have been significant, yet the task of accurately evaluating these edited images continues to pose a considerable challenge. Different from the assessment of text-driven image generation, text-driven image editing […]

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Low-Loss Superconducting Resonators Fabricated from Tantalum Films Grown at Room Temperature

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Guillaume Marcaud, David Perello, Cliff Chen, Esha Umbarkar, Conan Weiland | Summary: The use of $alpha$-tantalum in superconducting circuits has enabled a considerable improvement of the coherence time of transmon qubits. The standard approach to grow $alpha$-tantalum thin films on silicon involves heating the substrate, which takes […]

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Roadmap on Neuromorphic Photonics

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Daniel Brunner, Bhavin J. Shastri, Mohammed A. Al Qadasi, H. Ballani, Sylvain Barbay | Summary: This roadmap consolidates recent advances while exploring emerging applications, reflecting the remarkable diversity of hardware platforms, neuromorphic concepts, and implementation philosophies reported in the field. It emphasizes the critical role of cross-disciplinary […]

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Roadmap on Neuromorphic Photonics

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Daniel Brunner, Bhavin J. Shastri, Mohammed A. Al Qadasi, H. Ballani, Sylvain Barbay | Summary: This roadmap consolidates recent advances while exploring emerging applications, reflecting the remarkable diversity of hardware platforms, neuromorphic concepts, and implementation philosophies reported in the field. It emphasizes the critical role of cross-disciplinary […]

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Turing-Completeness and Undecidability in Coupled Nonlinear Optical Resonators

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Gordon Li, Alireza Marandi, , , | Summary: Networks of coupled nonlinear optical resonators have emerged as an important class of systems in ultrafast optical science, enabling richer and more complex nonlinear dynamics compared to their single-resonator or travelling-wave counterparts. In recent years, these coupled nonlinear optical […]

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All-optical computing with beyond 100-GHz clock rates

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Gordon H. Y. Li, Midya Parto, Jinhao Ge, Qing-Xin Ji, Maodong Gao | Summary: A computer’s clock rate ultimately determines the minimum time between sequential operations or instructions. Despite exponential advances in electronic computer performance owing to Moore’s Law and increasingly parallel system architectures, computer clock […]

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Inverse Design of Nonlinear Mechanics of Bio-inspired Materials Through Interface Engineering and Bayesian Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Zhang, Mingjian Tang, Haoxuan Mu, Xingzi Yang, Xiaowei Zeng | Summary: In many biological materials such as nacre and bone, the material structure consists of hard grains and soft interfaces, with the interfaces playing a significant role in the material’s mechanical behavior. This type of structures […]

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ClarityEthic: Explainable Moral Judgment Utilizing Contrastive Ethical Insights from Large Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Yuxi Sun, Wei Gao, Jing Ma, Hongzhan Lin, Ziyang Luo | Summary: With the rise and widespread use of Large Language Models (LLMs), ensuring their safety is crucial to prevent harm to humans and promote ethical behaviors. However, directly assessing value valence (i.e., support or oppose) by […]

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Data-Driven Modeling for On-Demand Flow Prescription in Fan-Array Wind Tunnels

Kavli Affiliate: Morteza Gharib | First 5 Authors: Alejandro A. Stefan-Zavala, Isabel Scherl, Ioannis Mandralis, Steven L. Brunton, Morteza Gharib | Summary: Fan-array wind tunnels are an emerging technology to design bespoke wind fields through grids of individually controllable fans. This design is especially suited for the turbulent, dynamic, non-uniform flow conditions found close to […]

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