Theoretical insights into the role of lattice fluctuations on the excited behavior of lead halide perovskites

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Yoonjae Park, Rohit Rana, Daniel Chabeda, Eran Rabani, David T. Limmer | Summary: Unravelling the role of charge-lattice interactions on the optoelectronic properties in lead halide perovskites is of great interest due to their unique photophysical properties. While there is broad consensus on the importance of […]

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Constraining Quasar Feedback from Analysis of the Hydrostatic Equilibrium of the Molecular Gas in Their Host Galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Jinyi Shangguan | First 5 Authors: Qinyue Fei, Ran Wang, Juan Molina, Luis C. Ho, Jinyi Shangguan | Summary: We investigate the kinematics and dynamics of the molecular and ionized gas in the host galaxies of three Palomar-Green quasars at low redshifts, benefiting from the archival millimeter-wave interferometric and optical integral field unit […]

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Disparate demographic impacts of the Roman Colonization and the Migration Period in the Iberian Peninsula

Kavli Affiliate: Jose Ricardo Suarez | Authors: Pablo Carrion, Inigo Olalde, Juan Manuel Jimenez-Arenas, Neus Coromina, David Vivo, Josep Maria Verges, Ana Costa, Daniel Botella, Macarena Bustamante-Alvarez, Javier Heras-Mora, Ricardo Ortega-Ruiz, Celia Chaves, Maite Iris Garcia-Collado, Juan Quiros-Castillo, Jordi Roig, Jose Suarez-Padilla, Ildelfonso Navarro-Luengo, Miguel Angel Cuadrado, Isidro Aguilera, Jordi Morera, Raul Catalan, Maria Luisa […]

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A feedforward mechanism for human-like contour integration

Kavli Affiliate: George A. Alvarez | Authors: Fenil R. Doshi, Talia Konkle and George A. Alvarez | Summary: Summary: Deep neural network models provide a powerful experimental platform for exploring core mechanisms underlying human visual perception, such as perceptual grouping and contour integration — the process of linking local edge elements to arrive at a […]

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Targeting the host transcription factor HSF1 prevents human cytomegalovirus replication in vitro and in vivo

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Juthi Biswas, Dilruba Akter, Michael J Miller, Dennis J Thiele, Eain A. Murphy, Christine O’Connor, Jennifer F Moffat and Gary Chan | Summary: Summary: FDA-approved antivirals against HCMV have several limitations, including only targeting the later stages of the viral replication cycle, adverse side effects, and the emergence of […]

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Hippocampal representations of alternative possibilities are flexibly generated to meet cognitive demands

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Berke and Loren Frank | Authors: Alison E. Comrie, Emily J. Monroe, Ari E. Kahn, Eric L. Denovellis, Abhilasha Joshi, Jennifer A. Guidera, Timothy A. Krausz, Joshua D. Berke, Nathaniel D. Daw and Loren M. Frank | Summary: Summary: The cognitive ability to go beyond the present to consider alternative possibilities, including […]

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Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation Into Surface Flux Transport Model To Infer Surface Flows: An Observing System Simulation Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: J. Todd Hoeksema | First 5 Authors: Soumyaranjan Dash, Marc L. DeRosa, Mausumi Dikpati, Xudong Sun, Sushant S. Mahajan | Summary: Knowledge of the global magnetic field distribution and its evolution on the Sun’s surface is crucial for modeling the coronal magnetic field, understanding solar wind dynamics, computing the heliospheric open flux distribution […]

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Decoding the hidden dynamics of super-Arrhenius hydrogen diffusion in multi-principal element alloys via machine learning

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Fei Shuang, Yucheng Ji, Zixiong Wei, Chaofang Dong, Wei Gao | Summary: Understanding atomic hydrogen (H) diffusion in multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs) is essential for advancing clean energy technologies such as H transport, storage, and nuclear fusion applications. However, the vast compositional space and the intricate chemical […]

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High-Resolution Laminar Identification in Macaque Primary Visual Cortex Using Neuropixels Probes

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Callaway | Authors: Li Alex Zhang, Peichao Li and Edward M. Callaway | Summary: Summary: Laminar electrode arrays allow simultaneous recording of activity of many cortical neurons and assignment to layers using current source density (CSD) analyses. Electrode arrays with 100-micron contact spacing have been used to estimate borders between layer 4 […]

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The HIV-1 Nuclear Export Complex Reveals the Role of RNA in Crm1 Cargo Recognition

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Amber M Smith, Yang Li, Arianna Velarde, Yifan Cheng and Alan D. Frankel | Summary: Summary: Crm1 is a highly conserved nuclear exportin that transports >1000 human proteins including ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. The interface between Crm1 and RNP cargos is unknown. The HIV regulatory protein, Rev, was one of […]

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