Phase Stability of Hexagonal/cubic Boron Nitride Nanocomposites

Kavli Affiliate: Zhiting Tian | First 5 Authors: Abhijit Biswas, Rui Xu, Joyce Christiansen-Salameh, Eugene Jeong, Gustavo A. Alvarez | Summary: Boron nitride (BN) is an exceptional material and among its polymorphs, two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal and three-dimensional (3D) cubic BN (h-BN and c-BN) phases are most common. The phase stability regimes of these BN phases […]

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Extended thermodynamics of the bumblebee black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Zhan-Feng Mai, Rui Xu, Dicong Liang, Lijing Shao, | Summary: As a vector-tensor theory including nonminimal coupling between the Ricci tensor and a vector field, the bumblebee gravity is a potential theory to test Lorentz symmetry violation. Recently, a new class of numerical spherical black holes in […]

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Complex spikes perturb movements, revealing the sensorimotor map of Purkinje cells

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Salomon Zev Muller, Jay S Pi, Paul Hage, Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad and Reza Shadmehr | Summary: The cerebellar cortex performs computations that are critical for control of our actions, and then transmits that information via simple spikes of Purkinje cells (P-cells) to downstream structures. However, because P-cells […]

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Axon initial segment GABA inhibits action potential generation throughout periadolescent development

Kavli Affiliate: Kevin Bender | Authors: Anna M Lipkin and Kevin J Bender | Summary: Neurons are remarkably polarized structures: dendrites spread and branch to receive synaptic inputs while a single axon extends and transmits action potentials to downstream targets. Neuronal polarity is maintained by the axon initial segment (AIS), a region between the soma […]

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Continuum theory of electrostatic-elastic coupling interactions in colloidal crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Rudolf Podgornik | First 5 Authors: Hao Wu, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Rudolf Podgornik, , | Summary: A mobile Coulomb gas permeating a fixed background crystalline lattice of charged colloidal crystals is subject to an electrostatic-elastic coupling, which we study on the continuum level by introducing a minimal coupling between electrostatic and displacement fields. We […]

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Estimation of minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) in impure/pure N2 based enhanced oil recovery process: A comparative study of statistical and machine learning algorithms

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Xiuli Zhu, Seshu Kumar Damarla, Biao Huang, , | Summary: Minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) prediction plays an important role in design and operation of nitrogen based enhanced oil recovery processes. In this work, a comparative study of statistical and machine learning methods used for MMP estimation is […]

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Long timescale anti-directional rotation in Drosophila optomotor behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Omer Mano, Minseung Choi, Ryosuke Tanaka, Matthew S. Creamer, Natalia C.B. Matos, Joseph Shomar, Bara A. Badwan, Thomas R. Clandinin and Damon A. Clark | Summary: Locomotor movements cause visual images to be displaced across the eye, a retinal slip that is counteracted by stabilizing reflexes in many animals. […]

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SEL1L-HRD1 ER-associated degradation is a new ataxia gene

Kavli Affiliate: Mary E. Hatten | Authors: Liangguang Leo Lin, Mauricio Torres, Brent Pederson, Huilun Helen Wang, Xiaoqiong Wei, Zexin Jason Li, Xiaodan Liu, Hancheng Mao, Michalina Hanzel, Eve Ellen Govek, You Lu, Hui Wang, Zhen Zhao, Mary Elizabeth Hatten, Shengyi E Sun and Ling Qi | Summary: Despite recent advances in our understanding of […]

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Efficient Incremental Penetration Depth Estimation between Convex Geometries

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, , , , | Summary: Penetration depth (PD) is essential for robotics due to its extensive applications in dynamic simulation, motion planning, haptic rendering, etc. The Expanding Polytope Algorithm (EPA) is the de facto standard for this problem, which estimates PD by expanding an inner […]

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Efficient Incremental Penetration Depth Estimation between Convex Geometries

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, , , , | Summary: Penetration depth (PD) is essential for robotics due to its extensive applications in dynamic simulation, motion planning, haptic rendering, etc. The Expanding Polytope Algorithm (EPA) is the de facto standard for this problem, which estimates PD by expanding an inner […]

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