The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: limits on dark matter-baryon interactions from DR4 power spectra

Kavli Affiliate: Blake Sherwin | First 5 Authors: Zack Li, Rui An, Vera Gluscevic, Kimberly K. Boddy, J. Richard Bond | Summary: Diverse astrophysical observations suggest the existence of cold dark matter that interacts only gravitationally with radiation and ordinary baryonic matter. Any nonzero coupling between dark matter and baryons would provide a significant step […]

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Measurement of the $Ω_c^0$ lifetime at Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, F. Abudinén, I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: We report on a measurement of the $Omega_c^0$ lifetime using $Omega_c^0 to Omega^-pi^+$ decays reconstructed in $e^+e^-to cbar{c}$ data collected by the Belle II experiment and corresponding to $207~{rm fb^{-1}}$ of integrated luminosity. The […]

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Internal states as a source of subject-dependent movement variability and their representation by large-scale networks

Kavli Affiliate: Kathleen Cullen & Sridevi Sarma | Authors: Macauley Smith Breault, Pierre Sacré, Zachary B Fitzgerald, John T Gale, Kathleen E Cullen, Jorge A González-Martínez and Sridevi V Sarma | Summary: Abstract A human’s ability to adapt and learn relies on reflecting on past performance. Such reflections form latent factors called internal states that […]

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NET-FLEET: Achieving Linear Convergence Speedup for Fully Decentralized Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Data

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Xin Zhang, Minghong Fang, Zhuqing Liu, Haibo Yang, Jia Liu | Summary: Federated learning (FL) has received a surge of interest in recent years thanks to its benefits in data privacy protection, efficient communication, and parallel data processing. Also, with appropriate algorithmic designs, one could achieve the […]

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SYNTHESIS: A Semi-Asynchronous Path-Integrated Stochastic Gradient Method for Distributed Learning in Computing Clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Zhuqing Liu, Xin Zhang, Jia Liu, , | Summary: To increase the training speed of distributed learning, recent years have witnessed a significant amount of interest in developing both synchronous and asynchronous distributed stochastic variance-reduced optimization methods. However, all existing synchronous and asynchronous distributed training algorithms suffer […]

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Spin-Hall magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator/metal bilayer systems

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takuto Ishikawa, Mamoru Matsuo, Takeo Kato, , | Summary: We study the temperature dependence of spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI)/metal bilayer systems. We calculate the amplitude of the SMR signal by using a quantum Monte Carlo simulation and examine how the SMR depends on […]

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Spin-Hall Magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator/metal bilayer systems

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takuto Ishikawa, Mamoru Matsuo, Takeo Kato, , | Summary: We study temperature dependence of spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI)/metal bilayer systems. We calculate the amplitude of the SMR signal using the quantum Monte Carlo simulation and examine how the SMR depends on the amplitude […]

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A Mid-infrared Flare in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3786: A Changing-look Event Triggered by an Obscured Tidal Disruption Event?

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Suyeon Son, Minjin Kim, Luis C. Ho, Dohyeong Kim, Taehyun Kim | Summary: We report an exceptional mid-infrared flare in the Seyfert 1.8 NGC 3786. In the multi-epoch data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, the nuclear mid-infrared brightness of NGC 3786 appears to vary substantially […]

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PDRF: Progressively Deblurring Radiance Field for Fast and Robust Scene Reconstruction from Blurry Images

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Cheng Peng, Rama Chellappa, , , | Summary: We present Progressively Deblurring Radiance Field (PDRF), a novel approach to efficiently reconstruct high quality radiance fields from blurry images. While current State-of-The-Art (SoTA) scene reconstruction methods achieve photo-realistic rendering results from clean source views, their performances suffer when […]

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