MuA-Ori: Multimodal Actuated Origami

Kavli Affiliate: Katia Bertoldi | First 5 Authors: Antonio Elia Forte, David Melancon, Leon M. Kamp, Benjamin Gorissen, Katia Bertoldi | Summary: Recently, inflatable elements integrated in robotics systems have enabled complex motions as a result of simple inputs. However, these fluidic actuators typically exhibit unimodal deformation upon inflation. Here, we present a new design […]

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The deepest $Chandra$ view of RBS 797: evidence for two pairs of equidistant X-ray cavities

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Francesco Ubertosi, Myriam Gitti, Fabrizio Brighenti, Gianfranco Brunetti, Michael McDonald | Summary: We present the first results of a deep $Chandra$ observation of the galaxy cluster RBS 797, whose previous X-ray studies revealed two pronounced X-ray cavities in the east-west (E-W) direction. Follow-up VLA radio observations of […]

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An Edge-On Orbit for the Eccentric Long-Period Planet HR 5183 b

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Alexander Venner, Logan A. Pearce, Andrew Vanderburg, , | Summary: The long-period giant planet HR 5183 b has one of the most extreme orbits among exoplanets known to date. In this work we use Hipparcos-Gaia astrometry to measure the orbital inclination of this planet for the first […]

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Ultrafast optical excitation of magnetic dynamics in van der Waals magnets: Coherent magnons and BKT dynamics in NiPS$_3$

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Mengxing Ye, Leon Balents, , | Summary: Optical pump-probe experiments carried out in the time domain reveal both the intrinsic low energy dynamics and its connections to higher energy excitations in correlated electron systems. In this work, we propose two microscopic mechanisms for […]

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The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, the KAGRA Collaboration, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott | Summary: We report on the population properties of 76 compact binary mergers detected with gravitational waves below a false alarm rate of 1 per year through GWTC-3. The catalog contains three […]

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Bridging the Gap: Categorizing Gravitational-Wave Events at the Transition Between Neutron Stars and Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel E. Holz | First 5 Authors: Amanda M. Farah, Maya Fishbach, Reed Essick, Daniel E. Holz, Shanika Galaudage | Summary: We search for features in the mass distribution of detected compact binary coalescences which signify the transition between neutron stars and black holes. We analyze all gravitational wave detections by LIGO-Virgo made […]

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Event Horizon Telescope observations of the jet launching and collimation in Centaurus A

Kavli Affiliate: Thomas M. Crawford | First 5 Authors: Michael Janssen, Heino Falcke, Matthias Kadler, Eduardo Ros, Maciek Wielgus | Summary: Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of active galactic nuclei at millimeter wavelengths have the power to reveal the launching and initial collimation region of extragalactic radio jets, down to $10-100$ gravitational radii ($r_g=GM/c^2$) scales in […]

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Nonlinear noise regression in gravitational-wave detectors with convolutional neural networks

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Hang Yu, Rana X. Adhikari, , , | Summary: Currently, the sub-60 Hz sensitivity of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors like Advanced LIGO is limited by the control noises from auxiliary degrees of freedom, which nonlinearly couple to the main GW readout. One particularly promising way to tackle […]

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The Paschen Jump as a Diagnostic of the Diffuse Nebular Continuum Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Hengxiao Guo, Aaron J. Barth, Kirk T. Korista, Michael R. Goad, Edward M. Cackett | Summary: Photoionization modeling of active galactic nuclei (AGN) predicts that diffuse continuum (DC) emission from the broad-line region makes a substantial contribution to the total continuum emission from ultraviolet through near-infrared […]

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