Axion dark matter-induced echo of supernova remnants

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi Masui | First 5 Authors: Yitian Sun, Katelin Schutz, Anjali Nambrath, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi Masui | Summary: Axions are a theoretically promising dark matter (DM) candidate. In the presence of radiation from bright astrophysical sources at radio frequencies, nonrelativistic DM axions can undergo stimulated decay to two nearly back-to-back photons, meaning that […]

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Global optimization of multilayer dielectric coatings for precision measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Gautam Venugopalan, Koji Arai, Rana X Adhikari, , | Summary: We describe the design of optimized multilayer dielectric coatings for precision laser interferometry. By setting up an appropriate cost function and then using a global optimizer to find a minimum in the parameter space, we were […]

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Global optimization of multilayer dielectric coatings for precision measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Gautam Venugopalan, Francisco Salces-Cárcoba, Koji Arai, Rana X Adhikari, | Summary: We describe the design of optimized multilayer dielectric coatings for precision laser interferometry. By setting up an appropriate cost function and then using a global optimizer to find a minimum in the parameter space, we […]

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Intersonic Detachment Surface Waves in Elastomer Frictional Sliding

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Weitz | First 5 Authors: Huifeng Du, Emmanuel Virot, Liying Wang, Sam Kharchenko, Md Arifur Rahman | Summary: Elastomeric materials when sliding on clean and rough surfaces generate wrinkles at the interface due to tangential stress gradients. These interfacial folds travel along the bottom of elastomer as surface detachment waves to […]

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TESS Eclipsing Binary Stars. I. Short cadence observations of 4584 eclipsing binaries in Sectors 1-26

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Andrej Prsa, Angela Kochoska, Kyle E. Conroy, Nora Eisner, Daniel R. Hey | Summary: In this paper we present a catalog of 4584 eclipsing binaries observed during the first two years (26 sectors) of the TESS survey. We discuss selection criteria for eclipsing binary candidates, detection of […]

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Mass of the dynamically hot inner stellar halo predicts the ancient accreted stellar mass

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Ling Zhu, Annalisa Pillepich, Glenn van de Ven, Ryan Leaman, Lars Hernquist | Summary: Galactic dynamical structures are fossil records of the assembly histories of galaxies. By analyzing the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation TNG50, we find that a dynamical structure that we call the "hot inner stellar halo," […]

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Constraints on small-scale primordial density fluctuation from cosmic microwave background through dark matter annihilation

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Hiromasa Nakatsuka, Kazunori Nakayama, , | Summary: The cosmic microwave background (CMB) observation by the Planck satellite precisely determines primordial curvature fluctuations on larger scales than $mathcal O(1),mathrm{Mpc}$, while the small-scale curvature fluctuation is still less constrained. The constraint on small-scale fluctuations is highly improved […]

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A Quantum trajectory picture of single photon absorption and energy transport in photosystem II

Kavli Affiliate: K. Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Robert L. Cook, Liwen Ko, K. Birgitta Whaley, , | Summary: In this work we study the first step in photosynthesis for the limiting extreme case of a single photon interacting with photosystem II (PSII). We model our system using quantum trajectory theory, which allows us […]

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Efficient soliton self-frequency shift in hydrogen-filled hollow-core fiber

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Yi-Hao Chen, Pavel Sidorenko, Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Frank Wise | Summary: We report a study of soliton self-frequency shifting in hydrogen-filled hollow-core fiber. The combination of hydrogen and short 40-fs input pulses underlies clean and efficient generation of Raman solitons between 1080 and 1600 nm. With […]

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A positively Tuned Voltage Indicator Reveals Electrical Correlates of Calcium Activity in the Brain

Kavli Affiliate: Attila Losonczy | Authors: S. Wenceslao Evans, Dongqing Shi, Mariya Chavarha, Mark H. Plitt, Jiannis Taxidis, Blake Madruga, Siri C. van Keulen, Michelle M. Pang, Sharon Su, Fuu-Jiun Hwang, Guofeng Zhang, Austin Reese, Lagnajeet Pradhan, Jiang Lan Fan, Sungmoo Lee, Yu Liu, Carl-Mikael Suomivuori, Dongyun Jiang, Adrian Negrean, Sui Wang, Na Ji, Thomas […]

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