Human synaptic neoteny requires species-specific balancing of SRGAP2-SYNGAP1 cross-inhibition

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux | Authors: Baptiste Libe-Philippot, Ryohei Iwata, Aleksandra J Recupero, Keimpe Wierda, Martyna Ditkowska, Vaiva Gaspariunaite, Ben Vermaercke, Eugenie Peze-Heidsieck, Daan Remans, Cecile Charrier, Franck Polleux and Pierre Vanderhaeghen | Summary: Human-specific (HS) genes are potential drivers of brain evolution, but their impact on human neuron development and disease remains unclear. Here […]

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Stable measurement-induced Floquet enriched topological order

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: DinhDuy Vu, Ali Lavasani, Jong Yeon Lee, Matthew P. A. Fisher, | Summary: The Floquet code utilizes a periodic sequence of two-qubit measurements to realize the topological order. After each measurement round, the instantaneous stabilizer group can be mapped to a honeycomb toric code, explaining […]

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Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Alexandra Veledina, Fabio Muleri, Juri Poutanen, Jakub Podgorný, Michal Dovčiak | Summary: The accretion of matter by compact objects can be inhibited by radiation pressure if the luminosity exceeds the critical value, known as the Eddington limit. Discovery of ultraluminous X-ray sources has shown that accretion […]

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BrainLine: An Open Pipeline for Connectivity Analysis of Heterogeneous Whole-Brain Fluorescence Volumes

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller, Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Thomas Athey, Matthew Wright, Marija Pavlovic, Vikram Chandrashekhar, Karl Deisseroth, Michael Miller and Joshua Vogelstein | Summary: Whole-brain fluorescence images require several stages of computational processing to fully reveal the neuron morphology and connectivity information they contain. However, these computational tools are rarely part of an integrated […]

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Inhibitory control of speech production in the human premotor frontal cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: Lingyun Zhao, Alexander B. Silva, Garret L. Kurteff and Edward F. Chang | Summary: Natural speech is full of starts and stops. Here, we studied the neural mechanisms that underlie the inhibitory control of speech, specifically the ability to stop speaking on demand. We recorded direct cortical activity while […]

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