A Deep Exposure in High Resolution X-Rays Reveals the Hottest Plasma in the $ζ,$Puppis Wind

Kavli Affiliate: David P. Huenemoerder | First 5 Authors: David P. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, Nathan A. Miller, Kenneth G. Gayley, Wolf-Rainer Hamann | Summary: We have obtained a very deep exposure (813 ks) of $zeta,$Puppis (O4 supergiant) with the Chandra/HETG Spectrometer. Here we report on analysis of the 1-9 r{A} region, especially well suited for […]

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Bounds for exit times of Brownian motion and the first Dirichlet eigenvalue for the Laplacian

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Rodrigo Banuelos, Phanuel Mariano, Jing Wang, , | Summary: For domains in $mathbb{R}^d$, $dgeq 2$, we prove universal upper and lower bounds on the product of the bottom of the spectrum for the Laplacian to the power $p>0$ and the supremum over all starting points of the […]

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Quantum diffusion of microcavity solitons

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Chengying Bao, Myoung-Gyun Suh, Boqiang Shen, Kemal Şafak, Anan Dai | Summary: Coherently-pumped (Kerr) solitons in an ideal optical microcavity are expected to undergo random quantum motion that determines fundamental performance limits in applications of soliton microcombs. Here, this diffusive motion and its impact on Kerr […]

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Towards windproofing LIGO: Reducing the effect of wind-driven floor tilt by using rotation sensors in active seismic isolation

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Lantz | First 5 Authors: Michael P. Ross, Krishna Venkateswara, Conor Mow-Lowry, Sam Cooper, Jim Warner | Summary: Modern gravitational-wave observatories require robust low-frequency active seismic isolation in order to keep the interferometer at its ideal operating conditions. Seismometers are used to measure both the motion of the ground and isolated platform. […]

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Towards windproofing LIGO: Reducing the effect of wind-driven floor tilt by using rotation sensors in active seismic isolation

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Mittleman | First 5 Authors: Michael P. Ross, Krishna Venkateswara, Conor Mow-Lowry, Sam Cooper, Jim Warner | Summary: Modern gravitational-wave observatories require robust low-frequency active seismic isolation in order to keep the interferometer at its ideal operating conditions. Seismometers are used to measure both the motion of the ground and isolated platform. […]

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Absorption line abundances in the SMC-like galaxy UGC 5282: evidence for ISM dilution from inflows on kiloparsec scales

Kavli Affiliate: Donald G. York | First 5 Authors: David V. Bowen, Todd M. Tripp, Edward B. Jenkins, Max Pettini, Doron Chelouche | Summary: We present an HST Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) spectrum of the QSO SDSS J095109.12+330745.8 ($z_{em} = 0.645$) whose sightline passes through the SMC-like dwarf galaxy UGC 5282 ($M_B = -16.0$, $cz […]

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Systematic Phase Curve Study of Known Transiting Systems from Year 1 of the TESS Mission

Kavli Affiliate: Robert F. Goeke | First 5 Authors: Ian Wong, Avi Shporer, Tansu Daylan, Björn Benneke, Tara Fetherolf | Summary: We present a systematic phase curve analysis of known transiting systems observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) during year one of the primary mission. Using theoretical predictions for the amplitude of the […]

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Extent of Fermi-surface reconstruction in the high-temperature superconductor HgBa$_2$CuO$_{4+δ}$

Kavli Affiliate: Brad J. Ramshaw | First 5 Authors: Mun K. Chan, Ross D. McDonald, Brad J. Ramshaw, Jon B. Betts, Arkady Shekhter | Summary: High magnetic fields have revealed a surprisingly small Fermi-surface in underdoped cuprates, possibly resulting from Fermi-surface reconstruction due to an order parameter that breaks translational symmetry of the crystal lattice. […]

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Lagrangian Neural Networks

Kavli Affiliate: David Spergel | First 5 Authors: Miles Cranmer, Sam Greydanus, Stephan Hoyer, Peter Battaglia, David Spergel | Summary: Accurate models of the world are built upon notions of its underlying symmetries. In physics, these symmetries correspond to conservation laws, such as for energy and momentum. Yet even though neural network models see increasing […]

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