NetQASM — A low-level instruction set architecture for hybrid quantum-classical programs in a quantum internet

Kavli Affiliate: Stephanie Wehner

| First 5 Authors: Axel Dahlberg, Bart van der Vecht, Carlo Delle Donne, Matthew Skrzypczyk, Ingmar te Raa

| Summary:

We introduce NetQASM, a low-level instruction set architecture for quantum
internet applications. NetQASM is a universal, platform-independent and
extendable instruction set with support for local quantum gates, powerful
classical logic and quantum networking operations for remote entanglement
generation. Furthermore, NetQASM allows for close integration of classical
logic and communication at the application layer with quantum operations at the
physical layer. This enables quantum network applications to be programmed in
high-level platform-independent software, which is not possible using any other
QASM variants. We implement NetQASM in a series of tools to write, parse,
encode and run NetQASM code, which are available online. Our tools include a
higher-level SDK in Python, which allows an easy way of programming
applications for a quantum internet. Our SDK can be used at home by making use
of our existing quantum simulators, NetSquid and SimulaQron, and will also
provide a public interface to hardware released on a future iteration of
Quantum Network Explorer.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Stephanie Wehner”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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