Strong Lensing Science Collaboration input to the on-sky commissioning of the Vera Rubin Observatory

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. Schechter

| First 5 Authors: Graham P. Smith, Timo Anguita, Simon Birrer, Paul L. Schechter, Aprajita Verma

| Summary:

We present the Strong Lensing Science Collaboration’s (SLSC) recommended
observing targets for the science verification and science validation phases of
commissioning. Our recommendations have been developed in collaboration with
the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) Strong Lensing Topical Team. In
summary, our key recommendations are as follows: (1) Prioritize fields that
span the full range of declination observable from Cerro Pachon during the
engineering focused Science Verification phase of commissioning, before
concentrating on equatorial fields for the Science Validation surveys. (2)
Observe quadruply lensed quasars as the ultimate test of the Active Optics
system towards the end of the Science Verification phase of commissioning.
These systems are the strongest tests known for delivered image quality. (3)
Prioritize science validation survey fields (both single deep pointings and
wide fields) that have been searched thoroughly by precursor surveys for strong
lenses. (4) The optimal wide (~100 degree^2) science validation field would
include the CFHT-LS W4 field, and overlap with the SDSS Stripe 82, DES-SN, KIDS
and HSC-SSP fields. (5) The optimal single pointing science validation fields
are the XMM-LSS and COSMOS Deep Drilling Fields, the equatorial Hubble Frontier
Fields galaxy clusters, and strongly lensed quasars with measured time delays
that are well-matched to commissioning timescales.

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