Braiding Majoranas in a linear quantum dot-superconductor array: Mitigating the errors from Coulomb repulsion and residual tunneling

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Sebastian Miles, Francesco Zatelli, A. Mert Bozkurt, Michael Wimmer, Chun-Xiao Liu | Summary: Exchanging the positions of two non-Abelian anyons transforms between many-body wavefunctions within a degenerate ground-state manifold. This behavior is fundamentally distinct from fermions, bosons and Abelian anyons. Recently, quantum dot-superconductor arrays have emerged as […]

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A flux-controlled two-site Kitaev chain

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami | First 5 Authors: Ivan Kulesh, Sebastiaan L. D. ten Haaf, Qingzhen Wang, Vincent P. M. Sietses, Yining Zhang | Summary: In semiconducting-superconducting hybrid devices, Andreev bound states (ABSs) can mediate the coupling between quantum dots (QDs), allowing for the realisation of artificial Kitaev chains. In order to engineer Majorana bound […]

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Time-resolved spectral diffusion of a multimode mechanical memory

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Niccolò Fiaschi, Lorenzo Scarpelli, Alexander Rolf Korsch, Amirparsa Zivari, Simon Gröblacher | Summary: High-frequency phonons hold great promise as carriers of quantum information on-chip and as quantum memories. Due to their coherent interaction with several systems, their compact mode volume and slow group velocity, multiple experiments have […]

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Large-Range Tuning and Stabilization of the Optical Transition of Diamond Tin-Vacancy Centers by In-Situ Strain Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson | First 5 Authors: Julia M. Brevoord, Leonardo G. C. Wienhoven, Nina Codreanu, Tetsuro Ishiguro, Elvis van Leeuwen | Summary: The negatively charged tin-vacancy (SnV-) center in diamond has emerged as a promising platform for quantum computing and quantum networks. To connect SnV- qubits in large networks, in-situ tuning and stabilization […]

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Quantum networks using rare-earth ions

Kavli Affiliate: Wolfgang Tittel | First 5 Authors: Wolfgang Tittel, Mikael Afzelius, Adam Kinos, Lars Rippe, Andreas Walther | Summary: We review concepts and recent work related to creating light-matter interfaces for future quantum networks based on rare-earth ion-doped crystals. More precisely, we explore their unique suitability for creating photon sources, optical quantum memories for […]

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Heitler effect and resonance fluorescence in quantum magnonics

Kavli Affiliate: Ya M. Blanter | First 5 Authors: Enes Ilbuğa, V. V. Dobrovitski, Ya. M. Blanter, , | Summary: We consider a coupled system of a qubit and a magnon mode in which the qubit is weakly driven. We demonstrate that the spectral steady-state responses of both the qubit and the magnon show, in […]

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The quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism: the role of boundary conditions, endpoints and kink types

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Jose Soto Garcia, Natalia Chepiga, , , | Summary: Quantum phase transitions are characterised by the universal scaling laws in the critical region surrounding the transitions. This universality is also manifested in the critical real-time dynamics through the quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism. In recent experiments on a Rydberg […]

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Roadmap on Quantum Magnetic Materials

Kavli Affiliate: Toeno Van Der Sar | First 5 Authors: Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, Marcos H. D. Guimarães, Dmytro Afanasiev, Jose H. Garcia Aguilar, Irene Aguilera | Summary: Fundamental research on two-dimensional (2D) magnetic systems based on van der Waals materials has been gaining traction rapidly since their recent discovery. With the increase of recent knowledge, it […]

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Roadmap on Quantum Magnetic Materials

Kavli Affiliate: Herre S. J. Van Der Zant | First 5 Authors: Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, Marcos H. D. Guimarães, Dmytro Afanasiev, Jose H. Garcia Aguilar, Irene Aguilera | Summary: Fundamental research on two-dimensional (2D) magnetic systems based on van der Waals materials has been gaining traction rapidly since their recent discovery. With the increase of recent […]

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A tensor network formulation of Lattice Gauge Theories based only on symmetric tensors

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Manu Canals, Natalia Chepiga, Luca Tagliacozzo, , | Summary: The Lattice Gauge Theory Hilbert space is divided into gauge-invariant sectors selected by the background charges. Such a projector can be directly embedded in a tensor network ansatz for gauge-invariant states as originally discussed in [Phys. Rev. B […]

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