Functional organization and natural scene responses across mouse visual cortical areas revealed with encoding manifolds

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Stryker | Authors: Luciano Dyballa, Greg D Field, Michael P Stryker and Steven W Zucker | Summary: A challenge in sensory neuroscience is understanding how populations of neurons operate in concert to represent diverse stimuli. To meet this challenge, we have created “encoding manifolds” that reveal the overall responses of brain areas […]

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Image Processing in the Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) Project

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Caffo | Authors: Patrick Sadil, Konstantinos Arfanakis, Enamul Hoque Bhuiyan, Brian Caffo, Vince D Calhoun, Daniel J Clauw, Mark C DeLano, James C Ford, Ramtalik Gattu, Xiaodong Guo, Richard E Harris, Eric Ichesco, Micah A Johnson, Heejung Jung, Ari B Kahn, Chelsea M Kaplan, Nondas Leloudas, Martin A Lindquist, Qingfei Luo, Todd […]

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Not all cross-modal responses are explained by face movements

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea Hasenstaub | Authors: Timothy R Olsen and Andrea R Hasenstaub | Summary: Recent work has claimed that most apparently cross-modal responses in sensory cortex are instead caused by the face movements evoked by stimuli of the non-dominant modality. We show that visual stimuli rarely trigger face movements in awake mice; when they […]

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A Brain-Wide Map of Neural Activity during Complex Behaviour

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski | Authors: International Brain Lab, Brandon Benson, Julius Benson, Daniel Birman, Niccolo Bonacchi, Matteo Carandini, Joana A Catarino, Gaelle A Chapuis, Anne K Churchland, Yang Dan, Peter Dayan, Eric EJ DeWitt, Tatiana A Engel, Michele Fabbri, Mayo Faulkner, Ila Rani Fiete, Charles Findling, Laura Freitas-Silva, Berk Gercek, Kenneth D Harris, Michael […]

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Multiscale Cloud-based Pipeline for Neuronal Electrophysiology Analysis and Visualization

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: Jinghui Geng, Kateryna Voitiuk, David F. Parks, Ash Robbins, Alex Spaeth, Jessica L. Sevetson, Sebastian Hernandez, Hunter E. Schweiger, John P. Andrews, Spencer T. Seiler, Matthew A. T. Elliott, Edward F. Chang, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, Rob Currie, Mohammed A. Mostajo-Radji, David Haussler, Tal Sharf, Sofie R. Salama and Mircea […]

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Selective Targeting of a Defined Subpopulation of Corticospinal Neurons using a Novel Klhl14-Cre Mouse Line Enables Molecular and Anatomical Investigations through Development into Maturity

Kavli Affiliate: Eiman Azim | Authors: Jake Lustig, Alexander Lammers, Julia Kaiser, Payal Patel, Aidan Raghu, James M. Conner, Phong Nguyen, Eiman Azim and Vibhu Sahni | Summary: The corticospinal tract (CST) facilitates skilled, precise movements, which necessitates that subcerebral projection neurons (SCPN) establish segmentally specific connectivity with brainstem and spinal circuits. Developmental molecular delineation […]

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Proactive and reactive construction of memory-based preferences

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy | Authors: Jonathan Nicholas, Nathaniel D. Daw and Daphna Shohamy | Summary: We are often faced with decisions we have never encountered before, requiring us to infer possible outcomes before making a choice. Computational theories suggest that one way to make these types of decisions is by accessing and linking related […]

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Neural mechanisms underlying the effects of cognitive fatigue on physical effort-based decision-making Michael Dryzer and Vikram S. Chib

Kavli Affiliate: Vikram Chib | Authors: Michael Dryzer and Vikram S. Chib | Summary: Fatigue is a state of exhaustion that influences our willingness to engage in effortful tasks. While both physical and cognitive exertion can cause fatigue, there is a limited understanding of how fatigue in one exertion domain (e.g., cognitive) affects decisions to […]

Continue.. Neural mechanisms underlying the effects of cognitive fatigue on physical effort-based decision-making Michael Dryzer and Vikram S. Chib

An integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics atlas reveals the molecular landscape of the human hippocampus

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Erik D. Nelson, Madhavi Tippani, Anthony D. Ramnauth, Heena R. Divecha, Ryan A. Miller, Nicholas J. Eagles, Elizabeth A. Pattie, Sang Ho Kwon, Svitlana V. Bach, Uma M. Kaipa, Jianing Yao, Joel E. Kleinman, Leonardo Collado-Torres, Shizhong Han, Kristen R. Maynard, Thomas M. Hyde, Keri Martinowich, Stephanie C. Page […]

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Motor learning leverages coordinated low-frequency cortico-basal ganglia activity to optimize motor preparation in humans with Parkinson’s Disease

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremy Willsey | Authors: Elina Kostyanovskaya, Micaela C. Lasser, Belinda Wang, James Schmidt, Ethel Bader, Chad Buteo, Juan Arbelaez, Aria Rani Sindledecker, Kate E. McCluskey, Octavio Castillo, Sheng Wang, Jeanselle Dea, Kathryn A. Helde, J. Michael Graglia, Elise Brimble, David B. Kastner, Aliza T. Ehrlich, Matthew W. State, A. Jeremy Willsey and Helen […]

Continue.. Motor learning leverages coordinated low-frequency cortico-basal ganglia activity to optimize motor preparation in humans with Parkinson’s Disease