Systematic characterization of protein structural features of alternative splicing isoforms using AlphaFold 2

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Yuntao Yang, Yuhan Xie, Zhao Li, Chiamaka Diala, Meer Ali, Rongbin Li, Yi Xu, Albon Wu, Pora Kim, Sayed-Rzgar Hosseini, Erfei Bi, Hongyu Zhao and W. Jim Zheng | Summary: Alternative splicing is an important cellular process in eukaryotes, altering pre-mRNA to yield multiple protein isoforms from a single […]

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When no answer is better than a wrong answer: a causal perspective on batch effects

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Caffo Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Eric W. Bridgeford, Michael Powell, Gregory Kiar, Stephanie Noble, Jaewon Chung, Sambit Panda, Ross Lawrence, Ting Xu, Michael Milham, Brian Caffo and Joshua T. Vogelstein | Summary: Abstract Batch effects, undesirable sources of variability across multiple experiments, present significant challenges for scientific and clinical discoveries. Batch effects […]

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Multiplexing of temporal and spatial information in the lateral entorhinal cortex

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: Cheng Wang, Heekyung Lee, Geeta Rao and James J Knierim | Summary: Abstract Episodic memory involves the processing of spatial and temporal aspects of personal experiences. The lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) plays an essential role in subserving memory. However, the specific mechanism by which LEC integrates spatial and temporal […]

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Structurally-informed human interactome reveals proteome-wide perturbations by disease mutations

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Dapeng Xiong, Yunguang Qiu, Junfei Zhao, Yadi Zhou, Dongjin Lee, Shobhita Gupta, Mateo Torres, Weiqiang Lu, Siqi Liang, Jin Joo Kang, Charis Eng, Joseph Loscalzo, Feixiong Cheng and Haiyuan Yu | Summary: Abstract Human genome sequencing studies have identified numerous loci associated with complex diseases. However, translating human genetic […]

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Incorporation of a cost of deliberation time in perceptual decision making

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Shadlen | Authors: Shinichiro Kira, Ariel Zylberberg and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Abstract Many decisions benefit from the accumulation of evidence obtained sequentially over time. In such circumstances, the decision maker must balance speed against accuracy, and the nature of this tradeoff mediates competing desiderata and costs, especially those associated with […]

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Spike transmission failures in axons from mouse cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Yuste | Authors: Netanel Ofer, Victor Hugo Cornejo and Rafael Yuste | Summary: Abstract The propagation of action potentials along axons is traditionally considered to be reliable, as a consequence of the high safety factor of action potential propagation. However, numerical simulations have suggested that, at high frequencies, spikes could fail to […]

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Aberrant hippocampal Ca2+ micro-waves following synapsin-dependent adeno-associated viral expression of Ca2+ indicators

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Yuste | Authors: Nicola Masala, Manuel Mittag, Eleonora Ambrad Giovannetti, Darik A O’Neil, Fabian J Distler, Peter Rupprecht, Fritjof Helmchen, Rafael Yuste, Martin Fuhrmann, Heinz Beck, Michael Wenzel and Tony Kelly | Summary: Abstract Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) such as GCaMP are invaluable tools in neuroscience to monitor neuronal activity using […]

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Multi-day Neuron Tracking in High Density Electrophysiology Recordings using EMD

Kavli Affiliate: Adam S. Charles | Authors: Augustine Xiaoran Yuan, Jennifer I Colonell, Anna Lebedeva, Michael Okun, Adam Charles and Timothy D Harris | Summary: Accurate tracking of the same neurons across multiple days is crucial for studying changes in neuronal activity during learning and adaptation. New advances in high density extracellular electrophysiology recording probes, […]

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FBM: Freestanding bilayer microscope for single-molecule imaging of membrane proteins

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: Gonzalo Pérez-Mitta, Yeliz Sezgin, Weiwei Wang and Roderick MacKinnon | Summary: Abstract Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) constitute a large fraction of organismal proteomes, playing fundamental roles in physiology and disease. Despite their importance, the mechanisms underlying dynamic features of IMPs, such as anomalous diffusion, protein-protein interactions, and protein clustering, […]

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An experimental census of retrons for DNA production and genome editing

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Asim G. Khan, Matías Rojas-Montero, Alejandro González-Delgado, Santiago C. Lopez, Rebecca F. Fang and Seth L. Shipman | Summary: Abstract Retrons are bacterial immune systems that use reverse transcribed DNA as a detector of phage infection. They are also increasingly deployed as a component of biotechnology. For genome editing, […]

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