Information dynamics in decohered quantum memory with repeated syndrome measurements: a dual approach

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Jacob Hauser, Yimu Bao, Shengqi Sang, Ali Lavasani, Utkarsh Agrawal | Summary: Measurements can detect errors in a decohered quantum memory allowing active error correction to increase the memory time. Previous understanding of this mechanism has focused on evaluating the performance of error correction algorithms […]

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The discovery of a nearby 421~s transient with CHIME/FRB/Pulsar

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Fengqiu Adam Dong, Tracy Clarke, Alice P. Curtin, Ajay Kumar, Ingrid Stairs | Summary: Neutron stars and white dwarfs are both dense remnants of post-main-sequence stars. Pulsars, magnetars and strongly magnetised white dwarfs have all been seen to been observed to exhibit coherent, pulsed radio emission […]

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Event-Aided Time-to-Collision Estimation for Autonomous Driving

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Jinghang Li, Bangyan Liao, Xiuyuan LU, Peidong Liu, Shaojie Shen | Summary: Predicting a potential collision with leading vehicles is an essential functionality of any autonomous/assisted driving system. One bottleneck of existing vision-based solutions is that their updating rate is limited to the frame rate of standard […]

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Coordinated JWST Imaging of Three Distance Indicators in a SN Host Galaxy and an Estimate of the TRGB Color Dependence

Kavli Affiliate: Wendy L. Freedman | First 5 Authors: Taylor J. Hoyt, In Sung Jang, Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, Abigail J. Lee | Summary: Boasting a 6.5m mirror in space, JWST can increase by several times the number of supernovae (SNe) to which a redshift-independent distance has been measured with a precision distance […]

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TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b: Two Giant Planets Transiting M Dwarf Stars

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Joel D. Hartman, Daniel Bayliss, Rafael Brahm, Edward M. Bryant, Andrés Jordán | Summary: We present the discovery of TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b, two giant planets transiting M dwarf stars. Transits of both systems were first detected from observations by the NASA TESS […]

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TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b: Two Giant Planets Transiting M Dwarf Stars

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Joel D. Hartman, Daniel Bayliss, Rafael Brahm, Edward M. Bryant, Andrés Jordán | Summary: We present the discovery of TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b, two giant planets transiting M dwarf stars. Transits of both systems were first detected from observations by the NASA […]

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TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b: Two Giant Planets Transiting M Dwarf Stars

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Joel D. Hartman, Daniel Bayliss, Rafael Brahm, Edward M. Bryant, Andrés Jordán | Summary: We present the discovery of TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b, two giant planets transiting M dwarf stars. Transits of both systems were first detected from observations by the NASA […]

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LuSEE-Night power requirements and power generation strategy

Kavli Affiliate: Sven Herrmann | First 5 Authors: Benjamin R. B. Saliwanchik, Sven Herrmann, Ivan Kotov, Paul O’Connor, Maxim Potekhin | Summary: The Lunar Surface Electromagnetics Experiment at Night (LuSEE-Night) is a project designed to investigate the feasibility of observing the Cosmic Dark Ages using an instrument on the lunar far-side. LuSEE-Night will measure the […]

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Unraveling the role of merger histories in the population of Insitu stars: linking IllustrisTNG cosmological simulation to H3 survey

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Razieh Emami, Lars Hernquist, Randall Smith, James F. Steiner, Grant Tremblay | Summary: We undertake a comprehensive investigation into the distribution of insitu stars within Milky Way-like galaxies, leveraging TNG50 simulations and comparing their predictions with data from the H3 survey. Our analysis reveals that 28% of […]

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Illuminating microbial phosphorus cycling in deep-sea cold seep sediments using protein language models

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Chuwen Zhang, Yong He, Jieni Wang, Tengkai Chen, Federico Baltar, Minjie Hu, Jing Liao, Xi Xiao, Zhao-Rong Li and Xiyang Dong | Summary: Phosphorus is essential for life and critically influences marine productivity. Despite geochemical evidence of active phosphorus cycling in deep-sea cold seep ecosystems, the microbial processes involved […]

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