Extracting Geometry and Topology of Orange Pericarps for the Design of Bioinspired Energy Absorbing Materials

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Chelsea Fox, Kyle Chen, Micaela Antonini, Tommaso Magrini, Chiara Daraio | Summary: As a result of evolution, many biological materials have developed irregular structures that lead to outstanding mechanical properties, like high stiffness-to-weight ratios and good energy absorption. To reproduce these properties in synthetic materials, biomimicry typically […]

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Stacking X-ray Observations of “Little Red Dots”: Implications for their AGN Properties

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Minghao Yue, Anna-Christina Eilers, Tonima Tasnim Ananna, Christos Panagiotou, Erin Kara | Summary: Recent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations have revealed a population of compact extragalactic objects at $zgtrsim4$ with red near-infrared colors, which have been dubbed as “Little Red Dots" (LRDs). The spectroscopically-selected LRDs exhibit […]

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Stacking X-ray Observations of “Little Red Dots”: Implications for their AGN Properties

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Minghao Yue, Anna-Christina Eilers, Tonima Tasnim Ananna, Christos Panagiotou, Erin Kara | Summary: Recent {em James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)} observations have revealed a population of compact extragalactic objects at $zgtrsim4$ with red near-infrared colors, which have been dubbed as “Little Red Dots" (LRDs). The spectroscopically-selected LRDs […]

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Stacking X-ray Observations of “Little Red Dots”: Implications for their AGN Properties

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Minghao Yue, Anna-Christina Eilers, Tonima Tasnim Annana, Christos Panagiotou, Erin Kara | Summary: Recent {em James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)} observations have revealed a population of compact extragalactic objects at $zgtrsim4$ with red near-infrared colors, which have been dubbed as “Little Red Dots" (LRDs). The spectroscopically-selected LRDs […]

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Effect of disorder on Berry curvature and quantum metric in two-band gapped graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Ze Liu, Zhi-Fan Zhang, Zhen-Gang Zhu, Gang Su, | Summary: The geometric properties of parameter space are mostly described by Berry curvature and quantum metric, which are the imaginary and real part of quantum geometric tensor, respectively. In this work, we calculate the dressed Berry curvature and […]

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Effect of disorder on Berry curvature and quantum metric in two-band gapped graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Ze Liu, Zhi-Fan Zhang, Zhen-Gang Zhu, Gang Su, | Summary: The geometric properties of parameter space are mostly described by Berry curvature and quantum metric, which is the imaginary and real part of quantum geometric tensor, respectively. In this work, we calculate the dressed Berry curvature and […]

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Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope mbox{(AtLAST)} Science: Probing the Transient and Time-variable Sky

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: John Orlowski-Scherer, Thomas J. Maccarone, Joe Bright, Tomasz Kaminski, Michael Koss | Summary: The study of transient and variable events, including novae, active galactic nuclei, and black hole binaries, has historically been a fruitful path for elucidating the evolutionary mechanisms of our universe. The study of such […]

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The James Webb Interferometer: Space-based interferometric detections of PDS 70 b and c at 4.8 $μ$m

Kavli Affiliate: Ruobing Dong | First 5 Authors: Dori Blakely, Doug Johnstone, Gabriele Cugno, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Peter Tuthill | Summary: We observed the planet-hosting system PDS 70 with the James Webb Interferometer, JWST’s Aperture Masking Interferometric (AMI) mode within NIRISS. Observing with the F480M filter centered at 4.8 $mu$m, we simultaneously fit geometrical models to […]

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OGLE-2015-BLG-0845L: A low-mass M dwarf from the microlensing parallax and xallarap effects

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Zhecheng Hu, Wei Zhu, Andrew Gould, Andrzej Udalski, Takahiro Sumi | Summary: We present the analysis of the microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0845, which was affected by both the microlensing parallax and xallarap effects. The former was detected via the simultaneous observations from the ground and Spitzer, and the […]

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OGLE-2015-BLG-0845L: A low-mass M dwarf from the microlensing parallax and xallarap effects

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Zhecheng Hu, Wei Zhu, Andrew Gould, Andrzej Udalski, Takahiro Sumi | Summary: We present the analysis of the microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0845, which was affected by both the microlensing parallax and xallarap effects. The former was detected via the simultaneous observations from the ground and Spitzer, and the […]

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