Solaris: A Focused Solar Polar Discovery-class Mission to achieve the Highest Priority Heliophysics Science Now

Kavli Affiliate: J. Todd Hoeksema | First 5 Authors: Donald M. Hassler, Sarah E Gibson, Jeffrey S Newmark, Nicholas A. Featherstone, Lisa Upton | Summary: Solaris is a transformative Solar Polar Discovery-class mission concept to address crucial outstanding questions that can only be answered from a polar vantage. Solaris will image the Sun’s poles from […]

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From X-rays to physical parameters: a comprehensive analysis of thermal tidal disruption event X-ray spectra

Kavli Affiliate: Dheeraj Pasham | First 5 Authors: Andrew Mummery, Thomas Wevers, Richard Saxton, Dheeraj Pasham, | Summary: We perform a comprehensive analysis of a population of 19 X-ray bright tidal disruption events (TDEs), fitting their X-ray spectra with a new, physically self consistent, relativistic accretion disc model. Not all of the TDEs inhabit regions […]

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Phase transitions of wave packet dynamics in disordered non-Hermitian systems

Kavli Affiliate: Anton R. Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Helene Spring, Viktor Könye, Fabian A. Gerritsma, Ion Cosma Fulga, Anton R. Akhmerov | Summary: Disorder can localize the eigenstates of one-dimensional non-Hermitian systems, leading to an Anderson transition with a critical exponent of 1. We show that, due to the lack of energy conservation, the […]

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Learning fast and fine-grained detection of amyloid neuropathologies from coarse-grained expert labels

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: Daniel R. Wong, Shino D. Magaki, Harry V. Vinters, William H. Yong, Edwin S. Monuki, Christopher K. Williams, Alessandra C. Martini, Charles DeCarli, Chris Khacherian, John P. Graff, Brittany N. Dugger and Michael J. Keiser | Summary: Precise, scalable, and quantitative evaluation of whole slide images is crucial in […]

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Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter. A Whitepaper

Kavli Affiliate: Noah A. Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Sebastian Baum, Patrick Stengel, Natsue Abe, Javier F. Acevedo, Gabriela R. Araujo | Summary: Minerals are solid state nuclear track detectors – nuclear recoils in a mineral leave latent damage to the crystal structure. Depending on the mineral and its temperature, the damage features are retained […]

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Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter. A Whitepaper

Kavli Affiliate: Juan I. Collar | First 5 Authors: Sebastian Baum, Patrick Stengel, Natsue Abe, Javier F. Acevedo, Gabriela R. Araujo | Summary: Minerals are solid state nuclear track detectors – nuclear recoils in a mineral leave latent damage to the crystal structure. Depending on the mineral and its temperature, the damage features are retained […]

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Magnetostriction, piezomagnetism and domain nucleation in a kagome antiferromagnet

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Qingkai Meng, Jianting Dong, Pan Nie, Liangcai Xu, Jinhua Wang | Summary: Whenever the elastic energy of a solid depends on magnetic field, there is a magnetostrictive response. Field-linear magnetostriction implies piezomagnetism and vice versa. Here, we show that Mn$_3$Sn, a non-collinear antiferromanget with Weyl nodes, hosts […]

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