A Distributionally Robust Random Utility Model

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: David Müller, Emerson Melo, Ruben Schlotter, , | Summary: This paper introduces the distributionally robust random utility model (DRO-RUM), which allows the preference shock (unobserved heterogeneity) distribution to be misspecified or unknown. We make three contributions using tools from the literature on robust optimization. First, by exploiting […]

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Single-Step Synthesis of Shape-Controlled Polymeric Particles using Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition in Liquid Crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Apoorva Jain, Soumyamouli Pal, Nicholas L. Abbott, Rong Yang, | Summary: The ability to synthesize shape-controlled polymer particles will benefit a wide range of applications including targeted drug delivery and metamaterials with reconfigurable structures, but existing synthesis approaches are commonly multistep and limited to a narrow […]

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Single-Step Synthesis of Shape-Controlled Polymeric Particles using Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition in Liquid Crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Apoorva Jain, Soumyamouli Pal, Nicholas L. Abbott, Rong Yang, | Summary: The ability to synthesize shape-controlled polymer particles will benefit a wide range of applications including targeted drug delivery and metamaterials with reconfigurable structures, but existing synthesis approaches are commonly multistep and limited to a narrow […]

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Advanced Techniques in Automated High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Alivisatos | First 5 Authors: Alexander Pattison, Cassio C. S. Pedroso, Bruce E. Cohen, Justin C. Ondry, A. Paul Alivisatos | Summary: Scanning transmission electron microscopy is a common tool used to study the atomic structure of materials. It is an inherently multimodal tool allowing for the simultaneous acquisition of multiple information […]

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Advanced Techniques in Automated High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Alivisatos | First 5 Authors: Alexander Pattison, Cassio C. S. Pedroso, Bruce E. Cohen, Justin C. Ondry, A. Paul Alivisatos | Summary: Scanning transmission electron microscopy is a common tool used to study the atomic structure of materials. It is an inherently multimodal tool allowing for the simultaneous acquisition of multiple information […]

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Estimation of the Directions for Unknown Parameters in Semiparametric Models

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Jinyue Han, Jun Wang, Wei Gao, Man-Lai Tang, | Summary: Semiparametric models are useful in econometrics, social sciences and medicine application. In this paper, a new estimator based on least square methods is proposed to estimate the direction of unknown parameters in semi-parametric models. The proposed estimator […]

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Estimation of the Directions for Unknown Parameters in Semiparametric Models

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Jinyue Han, Jun Wang, Wei Gao, Man-Lai Tang, | Summary: Semiparametric models are useful in econometrics, social sciences and medicine application. In this paper, a new estimator based on least square methods is proposed to estimate the direction of unknown parameters in semi-parametric models. The proposed estimator […]

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Improved bounds on the bosonic dark matter with pulsars in the Milky Way

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Dicong Liang, Lijing Shao, , , | Summary: Neutron stars (NSs) can be used to constrain dark matter (DM) since a NS can transform into a black hole (BH) if it captures sufficient DM particles and exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit. We extend earlier work and for the […]

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DiffusionDepth: Diffusion Denoising Approach for Monocular Depth Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Yiqun Duan, Xianda Guo, Zheng Zhu, , | Summary: Monocular depth estimation is a challenging task that predicts the pixel-wise depth from a single 2D image. Current methods typically model this problem as a regression or classification task. We propose DiffusionDepth, a new approach that reformulates monocular […]

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