Real-time 3D analysis during electron tomography using tomviz

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: Jonathan Schwartz, Chris Harris, Jacob Pietryga, Huihuo Zheng Prashant Kumar, Anastasia Visheratina | Summary: The demand for high-throughput electron tomography is rapidly increasing in biological and material sciences. However, this 3D imaging technique is computationally bottlenecked by alignment and reconstruction which runs from hours to days. We […]

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Link Prediction on Heterophilic Graphs via Disentangled Representation Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Shijie Zhou, Zhimeng Guo, Charu Aggarwal, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang | Summary: Link prediction is an important task that has wide applications in various domains. However, the majority of existing link prediction approaches assume the given graph follows homophily assumption, and designs similarity-based heuristics or representation learning […]

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The Host Galaxy and Rapidly Evolving Broad-line Region in the Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES 1927+654

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Ruancun Li, Luis C. Ho, Claudio Ricci, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Iair Arcavi | Summary: Changing-look active galactic nuclei (AGNs) present an important laboratory to understand the origin and physical properties of the broad-line region (BLR). We investigate follow-up optical spectroscopy spanning $sim 500$ days after the outburst of […]

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Duality theory for Clifford tensor powers

Kavli Affiliate: David Gross | First 5 Authors: Felipe Montealegre-Mora, David Gross, , , | Summary: The representation theory of the Clifford group is playing an increasingly prominent role in quantum information theory, including in such diverse use cases as the construction of protocols for quantum system certification, quantum simulation, and quantum cryptography. In these […]

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Monojet signatures from gluino and squark decays

Kavli Affiliate: Mihoko M. Nojiri | First 5 Authors: Iñaki Lara, Trygve Buanes, Rafał Masełek, Mihoko M. Nojiri, Krzysztof Rolbiecki | Summary: We study the monojet and dijet channels at the LHC as a tool for searching for squarks and gluinos. We consider two separate R-parity conserving supersymmetric scenarios. In the first scenario we postulate […]

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Monojet signatures from gluino and squark decays

Kavli Affiliate: Mihoko M. Nojiri | First 5 Authors: Iñaki Lara, Trygve Buanes, Rafał Masełek, Mihoko M. Nojiri, Krzysztof Rolbiecki | Summary: In this paper, we study the monojet and dijet channels at the LHC as a tool for searching for squarks and gluinos. We consider two separate scenarios. In the first scenario we postulate […]

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The Star-forming Main Sequence of the Host Galaxies of Low-redshift Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Ming-Yang Zhuang, Luis C. Ho, , , | Summary: We investigate the star-forming main sequence of the host galaxies of a large, well-defined sample of 453 redshift $sim$0.3 quasars with previously available star formation rates by deriving stellar masses from modeling their broad-band ($grizy$) spectral energy […]

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Multimode Nonlinear Dynamics in Anomalous Dispersion Spatiotemporal Mode-locked Lasers

Kavli Affiliate: Frank W. Wise | First 5 Authors: Yuhang Wu, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Frank W. Wise, , | Summary: Spatiotemporal mode-locking in a laser with anomalous dispersion is investigated. Mode-locked states with varying modal content can be observed, but we find it difficult to observe highly multimode states. We describe the properties of these […]

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