21cmVAE: A VAE-based Emulator of the 21-cm Global Signal

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Christian Hellum Bye, Stephen K. N. Portillo, Anastasia Fialkov, , | Summary: Considerable observational efforts are being dedicated to measuring the sky-averaged (global) 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen from Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization. Deriving observational constraints on the astrophysics of this era requires modelling […]

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Configuration mixing in strange tetraquarks $Z_{cs}$

Kavli Affiliate: Jonathan L. Rosner | First 5 Authors: Marek Karliner, Jonathan L. Rosner, , , | Summary: The BESIII Collaboration has observed a candidate for a $c bar c s bar u$ tetraquark $Z_{cs}$ at $(3982.5^{+1.8}_{-2.6} pm 2.1)$ MeV and width $(12.8^{+5.3}_{-4.4} pm 3.0)$ MeV, while the LHCb Collaboration has observed a $Z_{cs}$ candidate […]

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Ultra-low-noise Microwave to Optics Conversion in Gallium Phosphide

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Robert Stockill, Moritz Forsch, Frederick Hijazi, Grégoire Beaudoin, Konstantinos Pantzas | Summary: Mechanical resonators can act as excellent intermediaries to interface single photons in the microwave and optical domains due to their high quality factors. Nevertheless, the optical pump required to overcome the large energy difference between […]

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Comparing Supervised Models And Learned Speech Representations For Classifying Intelligibility Of Disordered Speech On Selected Phrases

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Subhashini Venugopalan, Joel Shor, Manoj Plakal, Jimmy Tobin, Katrin Tomanek | Summary: Automatic classification of disordered speech can provide an objective tool for identifying the presence and severity of speech impairment. Classification approaches can also help identify hard-to-recognize speech samples to teach ASR systems about the […]

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Strong clustering of primordial black holes from Affleck-Dine mechanism

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Kai Murai, Hiromasa Nakatsuka, , | Summary: Primordial black hole (PBH) is a fascinating candidate for the origin of binary merger events observed by LIGO-Virgo collaboration. The spatial distribution of PBHs at formation is an important feature to estimate the merger rate. We investigate the […]

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A representation-independent electronic charge density database for crystalline materials

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Jimmy-Xuan Shen, Jason M. Munro, Matthew K. Horton, Patrick Huck, Shyam Dwaraknath | Summary: In addition to being the core quantity in density functional theory, the charge density can be used in many tertiary analyses in materials sciences from bonding to assigning charge to specific atoms. […]

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A Polarization Pipeline for Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Ryan Mckinven, Daniele Michilli, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Davor Cubranic, B. M. Gaensler | Summary: Polarimetric observations of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are a powerful resource for better understanding these mysterious sources by directly probing the emission mechanism of the source and the magneto-ionic properties of its […]

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Populating the brown dwarf and stellar boundary: Five stars with transiting companions near the hydrogen-burning mass limit

Kavli Affiliate: Robert F. Goeke | First 5 Authors: Nolan Grieves, François Bouchy, Monika Lendl, Theron Carmichael, Ismael Mireles | Summary: We report the discovery of five transiting companions near the hydrogen-burning mass limit in close orbits around main sequence stars originally identified by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) as TESS Objects of Interest […]

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Latest results of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray measurements with prototypes of the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST)

Kavli Affiliate: Paolo Privitera | First 5 Authors: Toshihiro Fujii, Justin Albury, Jose Bellido, Ladislav Chytka, John Farmer | Summary: The origin and nature of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) remain an open question in astroparticle physics. Motivated by the need for an unprecedented aperture for further advancements, the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST) […]

Continue.. Latest results of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray measurements with prototypes of the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST)