Dynamical Evolution of Voids with Surrounding Gravitational Tidal Field

Kavli Affiliate: Naoshi Sugiyama | First 5 Authors: Mutsumi Minoguchi, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Naoshi Sugiyama, | Summary: The void ellipticity distribution today can be well explained by the tidal field. Going a step further from the overall distribution, we investigate individuality on the tidal response of void shape in non-linear dynamical evolution. […]

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Scalable Hamiltonian learning for large-scale out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Agnes Valenti, Guliuxin Jin, Julian Léonard, Sebastian D. Huber, Eliska Greplova | Summary: Large-scale quantum devices provide insights beyond the reach of classical simulations. However, for a reliable and verifiable quantum simulation, the building blocks of the quantum device require exquisite benchmarking. This benchmarking of large scale […]

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Fermionization and boundary states in 1+1 dimensions

Kavli Affiliate: Yuji Tachikawa | First 5 Authors: Yoshiki Fukusumi, Yuji Tachikawa, Yunqin Zheng, , | Summary: In the last few years it was realized that every fermionic theory in 1+1 dimensions is a generalized Jordan-Wigner transform of a bosonic theory with a non-anomalous $mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry. In this note we determine how the boundary states […]

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Quantum Oscillations and the Quasiparticle Properties of Thin Film Sr$_2$RuO$_4$

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Yawen Fang, Hari P. Nair, Ludi Miao, Berit Goodge, Nathaniel J. Schreiber | Summary: We measure the Shubnikov-de Haas effect in thin-film Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ grown on an (LaAlO$_3$)$_{0.29}$-(SrAl$_{1/2}$Ta$_{1/2}$O$_3$)$_{0.71}$ (LSAT) substrate. We detect all three known Fermi surfaces and extract the Fermi surface volumes, cyclotron effective masses, and […]

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Mutual Information Scaling for Tensor Network Machine Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Ian Convy, William Huggins, Haoran Liao, K. Birgitta Whaley, | Summary: Tensor networks have emerged as promising tools for machine learning, inspired by their widespread use as variational ansatze in quantum many-body physics. It is well known that the success of a given tensor network ansatz depends […]

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PROBs and perverse sheaves I. Symmetric products

Kavli Affiliate: Mikhail Kapranov | First 5 Authors: Mikhail Kapranov, Vadim Schechtman, , , | Summary: Algebraic structures involving both multiplications and comultiplications (such as, e.g., bialgebras or Hopf algebras) can be encoded using PROPs (categories with PROducts and Permutations) of Adams and MacLane. To encode such structures on objects of a braided monoidal category, […]

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Principles of Low Dissipation Computing from a Stochastic Circuit Model

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Chloe Ya Gao, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: We introduce a thermodynamically consistent, minimal stochastic model for complementary logic gates built with field-effect transistors. We characterize the performance of such gates with tools from information theory and study the interplay between accuracy, speed, and […]

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Approaching the motional ground state of a 10 kg object

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Chris Whittle, Evan D. Hall, Sheila Dwyer, Nergis Mavalvala, Vivishek Sudhir | Summary: The motion of a mechanical object — even a human-sized object — should be governed by the rules of quantum mechanics. Coaxing them into a quantum state is, however, difficult: the thermal environment masks […]

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Discovery of Candidate X-ray Jets in High-Redshift Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Bradford Snios, Daniel A. Schwartz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Małgosia Sobolewska, Mark Birkinshaw | Summary: We present Chandra X-ray observations of 14 radio-loud quasars at redshifts $3 < z < 4$, selected from a well-defined sample. All quasars are detected in the 0.5-7.0 keV energy band, and resolved […]

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