Emergent order in a continuous state adaptive network model of living systems

Kavli Affiliate: Timon Idema

| First 5 Authors: Carsten T. van de Kamp, George Dadunashvili, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Timon Idema,

| Summary:

Order can spontaneously emerge from seemingly noisy interactions between
biological agents, like a flock of birds changing their direction of flight in
unison, without a leader or an external cue. We are interested in the generic
conditions that lead to such emergent phenomena. To find these conditions, we
use the framework of complex networks to characterize the state of agents and
their mutual influence. We formulate a continuous state adaptive network model,
from which we obtain the phase boundaries between swarming and disordered
phases and characterize the order of the phase transition.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Timon Idema”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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