Dark matter transient annihilations in the early Universe

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Katsuya Hashino, Jia Liu, Xiao-Ping Wang, Ke-Pan Xie, | Summary: The cosmological evolution can modify the dark matter (DM) properties in the early Universe to be vastly different from the properties today. Therefore, the relation between the relic abundance and the DM constraints today needs to be […]

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Categorical wall-crossing formula for Donaldson-Thomas theory on the resolved conifold

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Yukinobu Toda, , , , | Summary: We prove wall-crossing formula for categorical Donaldson-Thomas invariants on the resolved conifold, which categorifies Nagao-Nakajima wall-crossing formula for numerical DT invariants on it. The categorified Hall products are used to describe the wall-crossing formula as semiorthogonal decompositions. A successive application […]

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Self-Similarity of $k$-Nearest Neighbor Distributions in Scale-Free Simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Lehman H. Garrison, Tom Abel, Daniel J. Eisenstein, , | Summary: We use the $k$-nearest neighbor probability distribution function ($k$NN-PDF, Banerjee & Abel 2021) to assess convergence in a scale-free $N$-body simulation. Compared to our previous two-point analysis, the $k$NN-PDF allows us to quantify our results in […]

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Transient Performance Analysis of the $ell_1$-RLS

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, Jie Chen, Cédric Richard, Wentao Shi, Qunfei Zhang | Summary: The recursive least-squares algorithm with $ell_1$-norm regularization ($ell_1$-RLS) exhibits excellent performance in terms of convergence rate and steady-state error in identification of sparse systems. Nevertheless few works have studied its stochastic behavior, in particular its […]

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Controlling the entropy of a single-molecule junction

Kavli Affiliate: Herre Van Der Zant | First 5 Authors: Eugenia Pyurbeeva, Chunwei Hsu, David Vogel, Christina Wegeberg, Marcel Mayor | Summary: Single molecules are nanoscale thermodynamic systems with few degrees of freedom. Thus, the knowledge of their entropy can reveal the presence of microscopic electron transfer dynamics, that are difficult to observe otherwise. Here, […]

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Subsurface Carbon-Induced Local Charge of Copper for On-Surface Displacement Reaction

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Shaoshan Wang, Pengcheng Ding, Zhuo Li, Cristina Mattioli, Wenlong E | Summary: Transition metal carbides have sparked unprecedented enthusiasm as high-performance catalysts in recent years. Still, the catalytic properties of copper (Cu) carbide remain unexplored. By introducing subsurface carbon (C) to Cu(111), displacement reaction of proton in […]

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On-Surface Decarboxylation Coupling Facilitated by Lock-to-Unlock Variation of Molecules upon the Reaction

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Shaoshan Wang, Zhuo Li, Pengcheng Ding, Cristina Mattioli, Wujun Huang | Summary: On-surface synthesis (OSS) involving relatively high energy barriers remains challenging due to a typical dilemma: firm molecular anchor is required to prevent molecular desorption upon the reaction, whereas sufficient lateral mobility is crucial for subsequent […]

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Snell’s Law for Gliders

Kavli Affiliate: Paul W. K. Rothemund | First 5 Authors: Tyler D. Ross, Dino Osmanović, John F. Brady, Paul W. K. Rothemund, | Summary: Snell’s law, which encompasses both refraction and total internal reflection, provides the foundation for ray optics and all lens-based instruments, from microscopes to telescopes. Refraction results when light crosses the interface […]

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Ray Optics for Gliders

Kavli Affiliate: Paul W. K. Rothemund | First 5 Authors: Tyler D. Ross, Dino Osmanović, John F. Brady, Paul W. K. Rothemund, | Summary: Control of self-propelled particles is central to the development of many microrobotic technologies, from dynamically reconfigurable materials to advanced lab-on-a-chip systems. However, there are few physical principles by which particle trajectories […]

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Approximating Density Probability Distribution Functions Across Cosmologies

Kavli Affiliate: Nickolay Y. Gnedin | First 5 Authors: Huanqing Chen, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Philip Mansfield, , | Summary: Using a suite of self-similar cosmological simulations, we measure the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of real-space density, redshift-space density, and their geometric mean. We find that the real-space density PDF is well-described by a function of […]

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