Surface wave non-reciprocity via time-modulated metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Antonio Palermo, Paolo Celli, Behrooz Yousefzadeh, Chiara Daraio, Alessandro Marzani | Summary: We investigate how Rayleigh waves interact with modulated resonators located on the free surface of a semi-infinite elastic medium. We begin by studying the dynamics of a single resonator with time-modulated stiffness. In particular, we […]

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Points2Surf: Learning Implicit Surfaces from Point Cloud Patches

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Philipp Erler, Paul Guerrero, Stefan Ohrhallinger, Michael Wimmer, Niloy J. Mitra | Summary: A key step in any scanning-based asset creation workflow is to convert unordered point clouds to a surface. Classical methods (e.g., Poisson reconstruction) start to degrade in the presence of noisy and partial scans. […]

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A little FABLE: exploring AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies with cosmological simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Sophie Koudmani, Nicholas A. Henden, Debora Sijacki, , | Summary: Contrary to the standard lore, there is mounting observational evidence that feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) may also play a role at the low-mass end of the galaxy population. We investigate this using the cosmological simulation […]

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Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: We deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture on the multiplicities of simple modules over a simple complex Lie algebra in Verma modules in category O from the equivariant geometric Satake correspondence and the analysis of torus fixed points in zastava […]

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Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: We deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture on the multiplicities of simple modules over a simple complex Lie algebra in Verma modules in category O from the equivariant geometric Satake correspondence and the analysis of torus fixed points in zastava […]

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Band gap renormalization, carrier mobilities, and the electron-phonon self-energy in crystalline naphthalene

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Florian Brown-Altvater, Gabriel Antonius, Tonatiuh Rangel, Matteo Giantomassi, Claudia Draxl | Summary: Organic molecular crystals are expected to feature appreciable electron-phonon interactions that influence their electronic properties at zero and finite temperature. In this work, we report first-principles calculations and an analysis of the electron-phonon self-energy […]

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Ultrafast dynamics of electron-phonon coupling in a metal

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Choongyu Hwang, Wentao Zhang, Koshi Kurashima, Robert Kaindl, Tadashi Adachi | Summary: In the past decade, the advent of time-resolved spectroscopic tools has provided a new ground to explore fundamental interactions in solids and to disentangle degrees of freedom whose coupling leads to broad structures in the […]

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Inductive construction of stable envelopes

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Okounkov | First 5 Authors: Andrei Okounkov, , , , | Summary: We revisit the construction of stable envelopes in equivariant elliptic cohomology [arXiv:1604.00423] and give a direct inductive proof of their existence and uniqueness in a rather general situation. We also discuss the specialization of this construction to equivariant K-theory. | […]

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The Cepheid Distance to the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4151

Kavli Affiliate: Michael M. Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Wenlong Yuan, Michael M. Fausnaugh, Samantha L. Hoffmann, Lucas M. Macri, Bradley M. Peterson | Summary: We derive a distance of $15.8pm0.4$ Mpc to the archetypical Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151 based on the near-infrared Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation and new Hubble Space Telescope multiband imaging. This […]

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Nanoscale axial position and orientation measurement of hexagonal boron nitride quantum emitters using a tunable nanophotonic environment

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Pankaj K. Jha, Hamidreza Akbari, Yonghwi Kim, Souvik Biswas, Harry A. Atwater | Summary: Color centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) have emerged as promising candidates for single-photon emitters (SPEs) due to their bright emission characteristics at room temperature. In contrast to mono- and few-layered hBN, […]

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