Constraining SIDM with halo shapes: revisited predictions from realistic simulations of early-type galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Giulia Despali, Levi G. Walls, Simona Vegetti, Martin Sparre, Mark Vogelsberger | Summary: We study the effect of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and baryons on the shapes of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and their dark matter haloes, comparing them to the predictions of the standard cold dark matter […]

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Quantum Simulations of Dark Sector Showers

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: So Chigusa, Masahito Yamazaki, , , | Summary: We consider dark sector scenarios where dark matter is accompanied by a dark photon and multiple-flavor dark fermions charged under the dark gauge group. We study quantum interference effects in dark sector jets, where multiple dark photons are emitted […]

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High precision magnetoencephalography reveals increased right-inferior frontal gyrus beta power during response conflict

Kavli Affiliate: Adam Aron | Authors: Pria L Daniel, James J Bonaiuto, Sven Bestmann, Adam R Aron and Simon Little | Summary: Flexibility of behavior and the ability to rapidly switch actions is critical for adaptive living in humans. It is well established that the right-inferior frontal gyrus (R-IFG) is recruited during outright action-stopping, relating […]

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A puzzling insensitivity of magnon spin diffusion to the presence of 180$^circ$ domain walls in a ferrimagnetic insulator

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Ruofan Li, Lauren J. Riddiford, Yahong Chai, Minyi Dai, Hai Zhong | Summary: We present room-temperature measurements of magnon spin diffusion in epitaxial ferrimagnetic insulator MgAl$_{0.5}$Fe$_{1.5}$O$_{4}$ (MAFO) thin films near zero applied magnetic field where the sample forms a multi-domain state. Due to a weak uniaxial […]

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Integrated Pockels Laser

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Mingxiao Li, Lin Chang, Lue Wu, Jeremy Staffa, Jingwei Ling | Summary: The development of integrated semiconductor lasers has miniaturized traditional bulky laser systems, enabling a wide range of photonic applications. A progression from pure III-V based lasers to III-V/external cavity structures has harnessed low-loss waveguides […]

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Detection of gamma-ray emission from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Roland M. Crocker, Oscar Macias, Dougal Mackey, Mark R. Krumholz, Shin’ichiro Ando | Summary: The Fermi Bubbles are giant, gamma-ray emitting lobes emanating from the nucleus of the Milky Way discovered in 1-100 GeV data collected by the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space […]

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Gamma-ray emission from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy due to millisecond pulsars

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Roland M. Crocker, Oscar Macias, Dougal Mackey, Mark R. Krumholz, Shin’ichiro Ando | Summary: The Fermi Bubbles are giant, gamma-ray emitting lobes emanating from the nucleus of the Milky Way discovered in ~1-100 GeV data collected by the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space […]

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Ergomagnetosphere, Ejection Disc, Magnetopause in M87. I Global Flow of Mass, Angular Momentum, Energy and Current

Kavli Affiliate: Roger Blandford | First 5 Authors: Roger Blandford, Noemie Globus, , , | Summary: We interpret the 1.3mm VLBI observations made by the Event Horizon Telescope of the black hole in M87. It is proposed that, instead of being a torus of accreting gas, the ring is a rotating, magnetically-dominated ergomagnetosphere that can […]

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Ergomagnetosphere, Ejection Disc, Magnetopause in M87. I Global Flow of Mass, Angular Momentum, Energy and Current

Kavli Affiliate: Roger Blandford | First 5 Authors: Roger Blandford, Noemie Globus, , , | Summary: We interpret the 1.3mm VLBI observations made by the Event Horizon Telescope of the black hole in M87. It is proposed that, instead of being a torus of accreting gas, the observed annular ring is a rotating, magnetically-dominated ergomagnetosphere […]

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A Mini-Neptune from TESS and CHEOPS Around the 120 Myr Old AB Dor member HIP 94235

Kavli Affiliate: George Ricker | First 5 Authors: George Zhou, Christopher P. Wirth, Chelsea X. Huang, Alexander Venner, Kyle Franson | Summary: The TESS mission has enabled discoveries of the brightest transiting planet systems around young stars. These systems are the benchmarks for testing theories of planetary evolution. We report the discovery of a mini-Neptune […]

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