Gravitational wave surrogate model for spinning, intermediate mass ratio binaries based on perturbation theory and numerical relativity

Kavli Affiliate: Scott A. Hughes | First 5 Authors: Katie Rink, Ritesh Bachhar, Tousif Islam, Nur E. M. Rifat, Kevin Gonzalez-Quesada | Summary: We present BHPTNRSur2dq1e3, a reduced order surrogate model of gravitational waves emitted from binary black hole (BBH) systems in the comparable to large mass ratio regime with aligned spin ($chi_1$) on the […]

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Design and demonstration of an operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes

Kavli Affiliate: Stephanie Wehner | First 5 Authors: Carlo Delle Donne, Mariagrazia Iuliano, Bart van der Vecht, Guilherme Maciel Ferreira, Hana Jirovská | Summary: The goal of future quantum networks is to enable new internet applications that are impossible to achieve using solely classical communication. Up to now, demonstrations of quantum network applications and functionalities […]

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GJ 238 b: A 0.57 Earth Radius Planet Orbiting an M2.5 Dwarf Star at 15.2 pc

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Evan Tey, Avi Shporer, Zifan Lin, Keivan G. Stassun, Jack J. Lissauer | Summary: We report the discovery of the transiting planet GJ 238 b, with a radius of $0.566pm0.014$ R$_{oplus}$ ($1.064pm0.026$ times the radius of Mars) and an orbital period of 1.74 day. The transit signal […]

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Imaging interstitial atoms with multislice electron ptychography

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Zhen Chen, Yu-Tsun Shao, Steven E. Zeltmann, Harikrishnan K. P., Ethan R. Rosenberg | Summary: Doping impurity atoms is a strategy commonly used to tune the functionality of materials including catalysts, semiconductors, and quantum emitters. The location of dopants and their interaction with surrounding atoms could […]

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BetterDepth: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Refiner for Zero-Shot Monocular Depth Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Bingxin Ke, Hayko Riemenschneider, Nando Metzger, Anton Obukhov | Summary: By training over large-scale datasets, zero-shot monocular depth estimation (MDE) methods show robust performance in the wild but often suffer from insufficiently precise details. Although recent diffusion-based MDE approaches exhibit appealing detail extraction ability, they […]

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BetterDepth: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Refiner for Zero-Shot Monocular Depth Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Bingxin Ke, Hayko Riemenschneider, Nando Metzger, Anton Obukhov | Summary: By training over large-scale datasets, zero-shot monocular depth estimation (MDE) methods show robust performance in the wild but often suffer from insufficient detail. Although recent diffusion-based MDE approaches exhibit a superior ability to extract details, […]

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UMono: Physical Model Informed Hybrid CNN-Transformer Framework for Underwater Monocular Depth Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jian Wang, Jing Wang, Shenghui Rong, Bo He, | Summary: Underwater monocular depth estimation serves as the foundation for tasks such as 3D reconstruction of underwater scenes. However, due to the influence of light and medium, the underwater environment undergoes a distinctive imaging process, which presents challenges […]

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UMono: Physical Model Informed Hybrid CNN-Transformer Framework for Underwater Monocular Depth Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jian Wang, Jing Wang, Shenghui Rong, Bo He, | Summary: Underwater monocular depth estimation serves as the foundation for tasks such as 3D reconstruction of underwater scenes. However, due to the influence of light and medium, the underwater environment undergoes a distinctive imaging process, which presents challenges […]

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TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by TTVs

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Judith Korth, Priyanka Chaturvedi, Hannu Parviainen, Ilaria Carleo, Michael Endl | Summary: We report the discovery and characterization of a small planet, TOI-1408 c, on a 2.2-day orbit located interior to a previously known hot Jupiter, TOI-1408 b ($P=4.42$ d, $M=1.86pm0.02,M_mathrm{Jup}$, $R=2.4pm0.5,R_mathrm{Jup}$) that exhibits grazing transits. The […]

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ACACIAS I: Element abundance labels for 192 stars in the dwarf galaxy NGC 6822

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji | First 5 Authors: Melissa K. Ness, J. Trevor Mendel, Sven Buder, Adam Wheeler, Alexander P. Ji | Summary: The element abundances of local group galaxies connect enrichment mechanisms to galactic properties and serve to contextualise the Milky Way’s abundance distributions. Individual stellar spectra in nearby galaxies can be extracted […]

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