A dorsal hippocampus-prodynorphinergic dorsolateral septum-to-lateral hypothalamus circuit mediates contextual gating of feeding

Kavli Affiliate: Xin Duan | Authors: Travis D Goode, Jason Bondoc Alipio, Antoine Besnard, Devesh Pathak, Michael Kritzer-Cheren, Ain Chung, Xin Duan and Amar Sahay | Summary: Adaptive regulation of feeding depends on linkage of internal states and food outcomes with contextual cues. Human brain imaging has identified dysregulation of a hippocampal-lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) […]

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Conservation, alteration, and redistribution of mammalian striatal interneurons

Kavli Affiliate: Alex Pollen | Authors: Emily K Corrigan, Michael DeBerardine, Aunoy Poddar, Miguel Turrero Garcia, Matthew T Schmitz, Corey Harwell, Mercedes Paredes, Fenna M Krienen and Alex Aaron Pollen | Summary: Mammalian brains vary in size, structure, and function, but the extent to which evolutionarily novel cell types contribute to this variation remains unresolved1–4. […]

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Molecular and cellular dynamics of the developing human neocortex at single-cell resolution

Kavli Affiliate: Arturo Alvarez-Buylla Arnold R. Kriegstein Xin Duan | Authors: Li Wang, Cheng Wang, Juan A. Moriano, Songcang Chen, Guolong Zuo, Arantxa Cebrian-Silla, Shaobo Zhang, Tanzila Mukhtar, Shaohui Wang, Mengyi Song, Lilian G. de Oliveira, Qiuli Bi, Jonathan J. Augustin, Xinxin Ge, Mercedes F. Paredes, Eric J. Huang, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, Xin Duan, Jingjing Li […]

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Spatial 3D genome organization controls the activity of bivalent chromatin during human neurogenesis

Kavli Affiliate: Arnold R. Kriegstein | Authors: Sajad Hamid Ahanger, Chujing Zhang, Evan R. Semenza, Eugene Gil, Mitchel A. Cole, Li Wang, Arnold R. Kriegstein and Daniel Lim | Summary: The nuclear genome is spatially organized into a three-dimensional (3D) architecture by physical association of large chromosomal domains with subnuclear compartments including the nuclear lamina […]

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Ciliary biology intersects autism and congenital heart disease

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremy Willsey | Authors: Nia Teerikorpi, Micaela C Lasser, Sheng Wang, Elina Kostyanovskaya, Ethel Bader, Nawei Sun, Jeanselle Dea, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, A Jeremy Willsey and Helen Willsey | Summary: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly co-occurs with congenital heart disease (CHD), but the molecular mechanisms underlying this comorbidity remain unknown. Given that children […]

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Calcium phosphate nanoclusters modify periodontium remodeling and minimize orthodontic relapse

Kavli Affiliate: Tejal Desai | Authors: Darnell L Cuylear, Moyu L Fu, Justin C Chau, Bhushan Kharbikar, Galateia Kazakia, Andrew Jheon, Stefan Habelitz, Sunil D Kapila and Tejal A Desai | Summary: Orthodontic relapse is one of the most prevalent concerns of orthodontic therapy. Relapse results in patients’ teeth reverting towards their pretreatment positions, which […]

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Therapeutic DBS for OCD Suppresses the Default Mode Network

Kavli Affiliate: Philip Starr | Authors: Natalya Slepneva, Genevieve Basich-Pease, Lee Reid, Adam C Frank, Tenzin Norbu, Andrew D Krystal, Leo P Sugrue, Julian C Motzkin, Paul S Larson, Philip A Starr, Melanie A Morrison and A Moses Lee | Summary: Background Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC) […]

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Anatomical and behavioral correlates of auditory perception in developmental dyslexia

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: Ting Qi, Maria Luisa Mandelli, Christa L. Watson Pereira, Emma Wellman, Rian Bogley, Abigail E. Licata, Edward F. Chang, Yulia Oganian and Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini | Summary: Developmental dyslexia (DD) is typically associated with difficulties in manipulating speech sounds and, sometimes, in basic auditory processing. However, the neuroanatomical correlates […]

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Sst- and Vip-Cre mouse lines without age-related hearing loss

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea Hasenstaub | Authors: Calvin T Foss, Timothy Olsen, James Bigelow and Andrea R Hasenstaub | Summary: GABAergic interneurons, including somatostatin (SST) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) positive cells, play a crucial role in cortical circuit processing. Cre recombinase-mediated manipulation of these interneurons is facilitated by commercially available knock-in mouse strains such as […]

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High Throughput Variant Libraries and Machine Learning Yield Design Rules for Retron Gene Editors

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Kate D. Crawford, Asim G. Khan, Santiago C. Lopez, Hani Goodarzi and Seth Shipman | Summary: The bacterial retron reverse transcriptase system has served as an intracellular factory for single-stranded DNA in many biotechnological applications. In these technologies, a natural retron non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is modified to encode a […]

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