Limitations of fluorescent timer proteins toward isolation of developmentally and transcriptionally synchronized populations of human pluripotent stem cells and neural progenitors highlight unique expression and fluorescence maturation kinetics by human cells

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Manuel Peter, Seth Shipman, Jeffrey D. Macklis | Summary: Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) into distinct neuronal populations holds substantial potential for disease modeling in vitro, toward both elucidation of pathobiological mechanisms and screening of potential therapeutic agents. For successful differentiation of hPSCs into subtype-specific neurons using […]

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Structure-activity studies of Streptococcus pyogenes enzyme SpyCEP reveal high affinity for CXCL8 in the SpyCEP C-terminal

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Max Pearson, Carl Haslam, Andrew Fosberry, Emma J Jones, Mark Reglinski, Robert J Edwards, Richard Ashley Lawrenson, Jonathan C Brown, Danuta Mossakowska, James Edward Pease and Shiranee Sriskandan | Summary: The Streptococcus pyogenes cell envelope protease (SpyCEP) is vital to streptococcal pathogenesis and disease progression. Despite its strong association […]

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Non-neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 N-terminal domain antibodies protect mice against severe disease using Fc-mediated effector functions

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Camille N. Pierre, Lily E. Adams, Kara Anasti, Derrick Goodman, Sherry Stanfield-Oakley, John M. Powers, Dapeng Li, Wes Rountree, Yunfei Wang, Robert J. Edwards, S. Munir Alam, Guido Ferrari, Georgia D. Tomaras, Barton F. Haynes, Ralph S. Baric and Kevin Saunders | Summary: Antibodies perform both neutralizing and non-neutralizing […]

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Host interactions of novel Crassvirales species belonging to multiple families infecting bacterial host, Bacteroides cellulosilyticus WH2

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Bhavya Papudeshi, Alejandro A Vega, Cole Souza, Sarah K Giles, Vijini Mallawaarachchi, Michael J. Roach, Michelle An, Nicole Jacobson, Katelyn McNair, Maria Fernanda Mora, Karina Pastrana, Lance Boling, Christopjer Leigh, Clarice Cram, Will S Plewa, Susanna R Grigson, George Bouras, Przemyslaw Decewicz, Antoni Luque, Lindsay Droit, Scott Allyn Handley, […]

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Collective dynamics of formin and microtubule and its crosstalk mediated by FHDC1

Kavli Affiliate: Su Guo | Authors: Chee San Tong, Maohan Su, He Sun, Xiang Le Chua, Su Guo, Ravinraj S/O Ramaraj, Ann Gie Lee, Nicole Wen Pei Ong, Yansong Miao and Min Wu | Summary: The coordination between actin and microtubule network is crucial, yet our understanding of the underlying mechanisms remains limited. In this […]

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Simultaneous multi-site editing of individual genomes using retron arrays

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Alejandro Gonzalez-Delgado, Santiago C Lopez, Matias Rojas-Montero, Chloe B Fishman and Seth L Shipman | Summary: Our understanding of genomics is limited by the scale of our genomic technologies. While libraries of genomic manipulations scaffolded on CRISPR gRNAs have been transformative, these existing approaches are typically multiplexed across genomes. […]

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The h-current controls cortical recurrent network activity through modulation of dendrosomatic communication

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea Hasenstaub | Authors: David A. McCormick, Yousheng Shu and Andrea R Hasenstaub | Summary: A fundamental feature of the cerebral cortex is the ability to rapidly turn on and off maintained activity within ensembles of neurons through recurrent excitation balanced by inhibition. Here we demonstrate that reduction of the h-current, which is […]

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Resolving Non-identifiability Mitigates Bias in Models of Neural Tuning and Functional Coupling

Kavli Affiliate: Kristofer Bouchard, Loren Frank, Christoph Kirst | Authors: Pratik Sachdeva, Ji Hyun Bak, Jesse A Livezey, Loren Frank, Christoph Kirst, Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya and Kristofer Bouchard | Summary: In the brain, all neurons are driven by the activity of other neurons, some of which maybe simultaneously recorded, but most are not. As such, models […]

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Mapping general anesthesia states based on electro-encephalogram transition phases

Kavli Affiliate: Jeanne Paz | Authors: Virginie Loison, Yuliya Voskobiynyk, Britta Lindquist, Deanna Necula, Dan Longrois, Jeanne T. Paz and David Holcman | Summary: Cortical electro-encephalography (EEG) has become the clinical reference for monitoring unconsciousness during general anesthesia. The current EEG-based monitors classify general anesthesia states simply as underdosed, adequate, or overdosed, with no transition […]

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Combinatorial transcription factor binding encodes cis-regulatory wiring of forebrain GABAergic neurogenesis

Kavli Affiliate: John Rubenstein | Authors: Rinaldo Catta-Preta, Susan Lindtner, Athena Ypsilanti, James Price, Armen Abnousi, Linda Su-Feher, Yurong Wang, Ivan Juric, Ian Jones, Jennifer Akiyama, Ming Hu, Yin Shen, Axel Visel, Len Pennacchio, Diane Dickel, John Rubenstein and Alex Nord | Summary: Transcription factors (TFs) bind combinatorially to genomic cis-regulatory elements (cREs), orchestrating transcription […]

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