Resolving Non-identifiability Mitigates Bias in Models of Neural Tuning and Functional Coupling

Kavli Affiliate: Kristofer Bouchard, Loren Frank, Christoph Kirst | Authors: Pratik Sachdeva, Ji Hyun Bak, Jesse A Livezey, Loren Frank, Christoph Kirst, Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya and Kristofer Bouchard | Summary: In the brain, all neurons are driven by the activity of other neurons, some of which maybe simultaneously recorded, but most are not. As such, models […]

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Mapping general anesthesia states based on electro-encephalogram transition phases

Kavli Affiliate: Jeanne Paz | Authors: Virginie Loison, Yuliya Voskobiynyk, Britta Lindquist, Deanna Necula, Dan Longrois, Jeanne T. Paz and David Holcman | Summary: Cortical electro-encephalography (EEG) has become the clinical reference for monitoring unconsciousness during general anesthesia. The current EEG-based monitors classify general anesthesia states simply as underdosed, adequate, or overdosed, with no transition […]

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Combinatorial transcription factor binding encodes cis-regulatory wiring of forebrain GABAergic neurogenesis

Kavli Affiliate: John Rubenstein | Authors: Rinaldo Catta-Preta, Susan Lindtner, Athena Ypsilanti, James Price, Armen Abnousi, Linda Su-Feher, Yurong Wang, Ivan Juric, Ian Jones, Jennifer Akiyama, Ming Hu, Yin Shen, Axel Visel, Len Pennacchio, Diane Dickel, John Rubenstein and Alex Nord | Summary: Transcription factors (TFs) bind combinatorially to genomic cis-regulatory elements (cREs), orchestrating transcription […]

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Population encoding of stimulus features along the visual hierarchy

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Stryker | Authors: Luciano Dyballa, Andra M Rudzite, Mahmood S Hoseini, Mishek Thapa, Michael P Stryker, Greg D Field and Steven W Zucker | Summary: The retina and primary visual cortex (V1) both exhibit diverse neural populations sensitive to diverse visual features. Yet it remains unclear how neural populations in each area […]

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Multi-night naturalistic cortico-basal recordings reveal mechanisms of NREM slow wave suppression and spontaneous awakenings in Parkinson’s disease

Kavli Affiliate: Philip Starr | Authors: Md Fahim Anjum, Clay Smyth, Derk-Jan Dijk, Philip Starr, Timothy Denison and Simon Little | Summary: Background: Sleep disturbance is a prevalent and highly disabling comorbidity in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) that leads to worsening of daytime symptoms, accelerated disease progression and reduced quality of life. Objectives: We […]

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Stimulus-specific enhancement of responses in mouse primary visual cortex mediated by GABA release from VIP cells

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Stryker | Authors: Megumi Kaneko, Mahmood S Hoseini, James A Waschek and Michael P Stryker | Summary: When adult mice are repeatedly exposed to a particular visual stimulus for as little as one hour per day for several days while their visual cortex (V1) is in the high-gain state produced by locomotion, […]

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Functionalized graphene-oxide grids enable high-resolution cryo-EM structures of the SNF2h-nucleosome complex without crosslinking

Kavli Affiliate: Yifan Cheng | Authors: Un Seng Chio, Eugene Palovcak, Anton A. A. Autzen, Henriette E. Autzen, Elise N. Munoz, Zanlin Yu, Feng Wang, David A. Agard, Jean-Paul Armache, Geeta Narlikar and Yifan Cheng | Summary: Single-particle cryo-EM is widely used to determine enzyme-nucleosome complex structures. However, cryo-EM sample preparation remains challenging and inconsistent […]

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Generative models inferred using statistical tests reveal context-dependent syllable transitions in Bengalese finch songs

Kavli Affiliate: Kristofer Bouchard | Authors: Jiali Lu, Sumithra Surendralal, Kristofer E Bouchard and Dezhe Z. Jin | Summary: Generative models are widely used in modeling sequences from language to birdsong. Here we show that a statistical test designed to guard against overgeneralization of a model in generating sequences can be used to infer minimal […]

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Anti-Viral and Anti-Inflammatory Therapeutic Effect of RAGE-Ig Protein Against Multiple SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern Demonstrated in K18-hACE2 Mouse and Syrian Golden Hamster Models

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Nisha Dhanushkodi, Swayam Prakash, Afshana Quadiri, Latifa Zayou, Ruchi Srivastava, Amin Mohammed Shaik, Berfin Suzer, Izabela Coimbra Ibraim, Gary Landucci, Delia F Tifrea, Mahmoud Singer, Leila Jamal, Robert A Edwards, Hawa Vahed, Lawrence Brown and LBACHIR BENMOHAMED | Summary: Significance SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOCs) continue to evolve and […]

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The Neonatal Gyrencephalic Cortex Maintains Regionally Distinct Streams of Neuroblasts

Kavli Affiliate: David Rowitch | Authors: Jaeyeon Kim, Kadellyn Sandoval, Aunoy Poddar, Julia Chu, Emma Horton, Di Cui, Keira Nakamura, Theresa Bartels, Christian Wood, David H Rowitch, Hosung Kim, Chet C Sherwood, Boris W Kramer, Angela C Roberts, PABLO J ROSS, Duan Xu, Nicola J Robertson, Peng Ji, Elizabeth A Maga and Mercedes F Paredes […]

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