Pheromone representation in the ant antennal lobe changes with age

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Kronauer | Authors: Taylor Hart, Lindsey E. Lopes, Dominic D. Frank and Daniel J.C. Kronauer | Summary: While the neural basis of age-related decline has been extensively studied (1–3), less is known about changes in neural function during the pre-senescent stages of adulthood. Adult neural plasticity is likely a key factor in […]

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Unselfish meiotic drive maintains heterozygosity in a parthenogenetic ant

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Kronauer | Authors: Kip D Lacy, Taylor Hart and Daniel J.C. Kronauer | Summary: According to Mendel’s second law, chromosomes segregate randomly in meiosis. Non-random segregation is primarily known for cases of selfish meiotic drive in females, in which particular alleles bias their own transmission into the oocyte1,2. Here, we report a […]

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Distinct patterns of genetic variation at low-recombining genomic regions represent haplotype structure

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: Jun Ishigohoka, Karen Bascón-Cardozo, Andrea Bours, Janina Fuß, Arang Rhie, Jacquelyn Mountcastle, Bettina Haase, William Chow, Joanna Collins, Kerstin Howe, Marcela Uliano-Silva, Olivier Fedrigo, Erich D. Jarvis, Javier Pérez-Tris, Juan Carlos Illera and Miriam Liedvogel | Summary: Genetic variation of the entire genome represents population structure, yet individual loci […]

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Mountable miniature microphones to identify and assign mouse ultrasonic vocalizations

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: Elena N Waidmann, Victor HY Yang, William C Doyle and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Vocal communication is a major component of animal social behavior. Vocalizations can be learned or innate, and can convey a variety of signals, including territorial limits, the presence of predators, or courtship intent. Mouse […]

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A TBX5-dependent compartment boundary patterns the cardiac interventricular septum – Copy

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: César D M Vargas, Rajvi K Agravat, Elena N Waidmann, Christodoulos Bochalis, Hector Bermudez, Theodoros Giannakopoulos and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Vocalization is a complex behavior ranging from fully innate to advanced vocal learning. Vocal learning species possess a vocal primary motor cortex (M1) region that makes direct […]

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Evolutionary conservation of mechanical strain distributions in functional transitions of protein structures

Kavli Affiliate: Stanislas Leibler | Authors: Pablo Sartori and Stanislas Leibler | Summary: One of the tenets of molecular biology is that dynamical transitions between three dimensional structures largely determine the function of individual proteins, as well as multi-protein assemblies. Therefore, it seems only natural that evolutionary analysis of proteins, presently based mainly on their […]

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Systematic characterization of protein structural features of alternative splicing isoforms using AlphaFold 2

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Yuntao Yang, Yuhan Xie, Zhao Li, Chiamaka Diala, Meer Ali, Rongbin Li, Yi Xu, Albon Wu, Pora Kim, Sayed-Rzgar Hosseini, Erfei Bi, Hongyu Zhao and W. Jim Zheng | Summary: Alternative splicing is an important cellular process in eukaryotes, altering pre-mRNA to yield multiple protein isoforms from a single […]

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FBM: Freestanding bilayer microscope for single-molecule imaging of membrane proteins

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: Gonzalo Pérez-Mitta, Yeliz Sezgin, Weiwei Wang and Roderick MacKinnon | Summary: Abstract Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) constitute a large fraction of organismal proteomes, playing fundamental roles in physiology and disease. Despite their importance, the mechanisms underlying dynamic features of IMPs, such as anomalous diffusion, protein-protein interactions, and protein clustering, […]

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Lecanemab Blocks the Effects of the Aβ/Fibrinogen Complex on Blood Clots and Synapse Toxicity in Organotypic Culture

Kavli Affiliate: Sidney Strickland | Authors: Pradeep K Singh, Elisa Nicoloso Simoes-Pires, Zu-Lin Chen, Daniel Torrente, Marissa Calvano, Anurag Sharma, Sidney Strickland and Erin H Norris | Summary: Proteinaceous brain inclusions, neuroinflammation, and vascular dysfunction are common pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Vascular deficits include a compromised blood-brain barrier, which can lead to extravasation of […]

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Simultaneous, cortex-wide and cellular-resolution neuronal population dynamics reveal an unbounded scaling of dimensionality with neuron number

Kavli Affiliate: Alipasha Vaziri | Authors: Jason Manley, Jefferey Demas, Hyewon Kim, Francisca Martinez Traub and Alipasha Vaziri | Summary: The brain’s remarkable properties arise from collective activity of millions of neurons. Widespread application of dimensionality reduction to multi-neuron recordings implies that neural dynamics can be approximated by low-dimensional “latent” signals reflecting neural computations. However, […]

Continue.. Simultaneous, cortex-wide and cellular-resolution neuronal population dynamics reveal an unbounded scaling of dimensionality with neuron number