Causal Genetic Loci for a Motivated Behavior Spectrum Harbor Psychiatric Risk Genes

Kavli Affiliate: Su Guo | Authors: Jiale Xu, Romelo Casanave, Apurva S Chitre, Qiyang Wang, Khai-Minh Nguyen, Chiara Blake, Mahendra Wagle, Riyan Cheng, Oksana Polesskaya, Abraham A Palmer and Su Guo | Summary: Behavioral diversity is critical for population fitness. Individual differences in risk-taking are observed across species, but underlying genetic mechanisms and conservation are […]

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Sensory neurons couple arousal and foraging decisions in C. elegans

Kavli Affiliate: Cori Bargmann | Authors: Elias Scheer and Cori Bargmann | Summary: Foraging animals optimize feeding decisions by adjusting both common and rare behavioral patterns. Here, we characterize the relationship between an animal’s arousal state and a rare decision to leave a patch of bacterial food. Using long-term tracking and behavioral state classification, we […]

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Cristae formation is a mechanical buckling event controlled by the inner membrane lipidome

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Kailash Venkatraman, Christopher T Lee, Guadalupe C. Garcia, Arijit Mahapatra, Guy Perkins, Keun-Young Kim, Hilda Amalia Pasolli, Sebastien Phan, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Mark Ellisman, Padmini Rangamani and Itay Budin | Summary: Cristae are high curvature structures in the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) that are crucial for ATP production. While cristae-shaping […]

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The mechanism of Gαq regulation of PLCβ3-catalyzed PIP2 hydrolysis.

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: Maria Elizabeth Falzone and Roderick MacKinnon | Summary: PLCβ enzymes cleave PIP2 producing IP3 and DAG. PIP2 modulates the function of many ion channels, while IP3 and DAG regulate intracellular Ca2+ levels and protein phosphorylation by protein kinase C, respectively. PLCb enzymes are under the control of GPCR signaling […]

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Effort cost of reaching prompts vigor reduction in older adults

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Erik M. Summerside, Robert J Courter, Reza Shadmehr and Alaa A. Ahmed | Summary: As people age, they move slower. Is age-related reduction in vigor a reflection of a reduced valuation of reward by the brain, or a consequence of increased effort costs by the muscles? Here, we quantified […]

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Spatiotemporal development of growth and death zones in expanding bacterial colonies driven by emergent nutrient dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: David Kleinfeld | Authors: Harish Kannan, Paul Sun, Tolga Çağlar, Pantong Yao, Brian R Taylor, Kinshuk Sahu, Daotong Ge, Matteo Mori, Mya Warren, David Kleinfeld, JiaJia Dong, Bo Li and Terence Hwa | Summary: Bacterial colony growth on hard agar is commonplace in microbiology; yet, what occurs inside a growing colony is complex […]

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Learning chemical sensitivity reveals mechanisms of cellular response

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: William J. Connell, Kristle Garcia, Hani Goodarzi and Michael J. Keiser | Summary: Chemical probes interrogate disease mechanisms at the molecular level by linking genetic changes to observable traits. However, comprehensive chemical screens in diverse biological models are impractical. To address this challenge, we developed ChemProbe, a model that […]

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Beyond Lux: Methods for Species and Photoreceptor-Specific Quantification of Ambient Light for Mammals

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown | Authors: Richard J McDowell, Altug Didikoglu, Tom Woelders, Mazie J Gatt, Roelof A. Hut, Timothy M Brown and Robert J Lucas | Summary: Background Light is a key environmental regulator of physiology and behaviour. Mistimed or insufficient light disrupts circadian rhythms and is associated with impaired health and well-being across […]

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African elephants address one another with individually specific calls

Kavli Affiliate: Cynthia F. Moss | Authors: Michael A Pardo, Kurt Fristrup, David S Lolchuragi, Joyce Poole, Petter Granli, Cynthia Moss, Iain Douglas-Hamilton and George Wittemyer | Summary: Personal names are a universal feature of human language, yet few analogs exist in other species. While dolphins and parrots address conspecifics by imitating the calls of […]

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Limitations of fluorescent timer protein maturation kinetics to isolate transcriptionally synchronized cortically differentiating human pluripotent stem cells

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Manuel Peter, Seth Shipman and Jeffrey D Macklis | Summary: Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) into distinct neuronal populations holds substantial potential for disease modeling in vitro, toward both elucidation of pathobiological mechanisms and screening of potential therapeutic agents. For successful differentiation of hPSCs into subtype-specific neurons […]

Continue.. Limitations of fluorescent timer protein maturation kinetics to isolate transcriptionally synchronized cortically differentiating human pluripotent stem cells