Converting an allocentric goal into an egocentric steering signal

Kavli Affiliate: Gaby Maimon | Authors: Peter Mussells Pires, L F Abbott and Gaby Maimon | Summary: Abstract Neuronal signals relevant for spatial navigation have been described in many species[1-12], however, a circuit-level understanding of how such signals interact to guide behaviour is lacking. Here we characterize a neuronal circuit in the Drosophila central complex […]

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Tautomer-specific deacylation and Ω-loop flexibility explain carbapenem-hydrolyzing, broad-spectrum activity of the KPC-2 β-lactamase

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Beer | Authors: Catherine L Tooke, Philip Hinchliffe, Michael Beer, Kirill Zinovjev, Charlie K Colenso, Christopher J Schofield, Adrian J Mulholland and James Spencer | Summary: Abstract KPC-2 (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-2) is a globally disseminated serine-β-lactamase (SBL) responsible for extensive β-lactam antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative pathogens. SBLs inactivate β-lactams via a mechanism […]

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Inflammation-Responsive Micellar Nanoparticles from Degradable Polyphosphoramidates for Targeted Delivery to Myocardial Infarction

Kavli Affiliate: Karen Christman | Authors: Yifei Liang, Holly Sullivan, Kendal Carrow, Joanna Korpanty, Kendra Worthington, Colin Luo, Karen L Christman and Nathan C Gianneschi | Summary: ABSTRACT Nanoparticles that undergo a localized morphology change to target areas of inflammation have been previously developed but are limited by their lack of biodegradability. In this paper, […]

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Circuit dissection and functional validation of a cross-species emotional biomarker

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang, Vikaas Sohal | Authors: Adam Jackson, Josh Cohen, Aarron Phensy, Edward F Chang, Heather Dawes and Vikaas Sohal | Summary: ABSTRACT Emotional responses arise from limbic circuits including the hippocampus and amygdala. In the human brain, beta-frequency communication between these structures correlates with self-reported mood and anxiety. However, both the mechanism […]

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Reduced cholecystokinin-expressing interneuron input contributes to disinhibition of the hippocampal CA2 region in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Kavli Affiliate: Steven Siegelbaum | Authors: Alexander C Whitebirch, Anastasia Barnett, Bina Santoro, Helen E Scharfman and Steven A Siegelbaum | Summary: ABSTRACT A significant proportion of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients experience drug-resistant seizures associated with mesial temporal sclerosis, in which there is extensive cell loss in the hippocampal CA1 and CA3 subfields, with […]

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A comparative atlas of single-cell chromatin accessibility in the human brain

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Yang Eric Li, Sebastian Preissl, Michael Miller, Nicholas D. Johnson, Zihan Wang, Henry Jiao, Chenxu Zhu, Zhaoning Wang, Yang Xie, Olivier Poirin, Colin Kern, Antonio Pinto-Duarte, Wei Tian, Kimberly Siletti, Nora Emerson, Julia Osteen, Jacinta Lucero, Lin Lin, Qian Yang, Sarah Espinoza, Quan Zhu, Nathan Zemke, Anna Marie Yanny, […]

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Potassium regulates axon-oligodendrocyte signaling and metabolic coupling in white matter

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles | Authors: Zoe J. Looser, Luca Ravotto, Ramona B. Jung, Hauke B. Werner, Torben Ruhwedel, Wiebke Moebius, Dwight E Bergles, L. Felipe Barros, Klaus-Armin Nave, Bruno Weber and Aiman S. Saab | Summary: Abstract The integrity of myelinated axons relies on homeostatic support from oligodendrocytes (OLs), which is essential for brain […]

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Flexible, Scalable, High Channel Count Stereo-Electrode for Recording in the Human Brain

Kavli Affiliate: Shadi Dayeh, Eric Halgren/p> | Authors: Keundong Lee, Angelique C Paulk, Yun Goo Ro, Daniel R Cleary, Karen J Tonsfeldt, Yoav Kfir, John Pezaris, Youngbin Tchoe, Jihwan Lee, Andrew M Bourhis, Ritwik Vatsyayan, Samantha M Russman, Jimmy C Yang, Amy Baohan, Mark Richardson, Ziv M Williams, Shelley Fried, Ahmed Raslan, Eric Halgren, Sydney […]

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Comparative analysis of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing in a rabbit model of retinal detachment-related proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Blackshaw | Authors: Clayton P. Santiago, Megan Y. Gimmen, Yuchen Lu, Minda M. McNally, Leighton H. Duncan, Tyler Creamer, Linda Orzolek, Seth Blackshaw and Mandeep Singh | Summary: Structured Abstract Purpose Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is the most common cause of failure of retinal reattachment surgery and the molecular changes leading to this […]

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Structured Joint Decomposition (SJD) identifies conserved molecular dynamics across collections of biologically related multi-omics data matrices

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Caffo | Authors: Huan Chen, Jinrui Liu, Shreyash Sonthalia, Genevieve Stein-OBrien, Luo Xiao, Brian Caffo and Carlo Colantuoni | Summary: Abstract Motivation It is necessary to develop exploratory tools to learn from the unprecedented volume of high-dimensional multi-omic data currently being produced. We have developed an R package, SJD, which identifies components […]

Continue.. Structured Joint Decomposition (SJD) identifies conserved molecular dynamics across collections of biologically related multi-omics data matrices