Tyrosinase-induced neuromelanin accumulation triggers rapid dysregulation and degeneration of the mouse locus coeruleus

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Alexa F Iannitelli, Leslie Hassanein, Bernard Mulvey, Harris Blankenship, L Cameron Liles, Amanda L Sharpe, Jean-Francois Pare, Arielle Segal, Steven A Sloan, Keri Martinowich, Katharine E McCann, Joseph D Dougherty, Yoland Smith, Michael J Beckstead and David Weinshenker | Summary: The locus coeruleus (LC), the major source of norepinephrine […]

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Hierarchical gradients of multiple timescales in the mammalian forebrain

Kavli Affiliate: Daeyeol Lee | Authors: Min Song, Eun Ju Shin, Hyojung Seo, Alireza Soltani, Nicholas A Steinmetz, Daeyeol Lee, Min Whan Jung and Se-Bum Paik | Summary: Many anatomical and physiological features of cortical circuits, ranging from the biophysical properties of synapses to the connectivity patterns among different neuron types, exhibit consistent variation along […]

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Molecular and cellular dynamics of the developing human neocortex at single-cell resolution

Kavli Affiliate: Arturo Alvarez-Buylla Arnold R. Kriegstein Xin Duan | Authors: Li Wang, Cheng Wang, Juan A. Moriano, Songcang Chen, Guolong Zuo, Arantxa Cebrian-Silla, Shaobo Zhang, Tanzila Mukhtar, Shaohui Wang, Mengyi Song, Lilian G. de Oliveira, Qiuli Bi, Jonathan J. Augustin, Xinxin Ge, Mercedes F. Paredes, Eric J. Huang, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, Xin Duan, Jingjing Li […]

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Humans use local spectrotemporal correlations to detect rising and falling pitch

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Parisa A Vaziri, Samuel D McDougle and Damon A Clark | Summary: To discern speech or appreciate music, the human auditory system detects how pitch increases or decreases over time. However, the algorithms used to detect changes in pitch, or pitch motion, are incompletely understood. Here, using psychophysics, computational […]

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A microglia clonal inflammatory disorder in Alzheimer’s Disease

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Parisa A Vaziri, Samuel D McDougle and Damon A Clark | Summary: To discern speech or appreciate music, the human auditory system detects how pitch increases or decreases over time. However, the algorithms used to detect changes in pitch, or pitch motion, are incompletely understood. Here, using psychophysics, computational […]

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Spatial 3D genome organization controls the activity of bivalent chromatin during human neurogenesis

Kavli Affiliate: Arnold R. Kriegstein | Authors: Sajad Hamid Ahanger, Chujing Zhang, Evan R. Semenza, Eugene Gil, Mitchel A. Cole, Li Wang, Arnold R. Kriegstein and Daniel Lim | Summary: The nuclear genome is spatially organized into a three-dimensional (3D) architecture by physical association of large chromosomal domains with subnuclear compartments including the nuclear lamina […]

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Complete sequencing of ape genomes

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: DongAhn Yoo, Arang Rhie, Prajna Hebbar, Francesca Antonacci, Glennis A. Logsdon, Steven J. Solar, Dmitry Antipov, Brandon D. Pickett, Yana Safonova, Francesco Montinaro, Yanting Luo, Joanna Malukiewicz, Jessica M. Storer, Jiadong Lin, Abigail N. Sequeira, Riley J. Mangan, Glenn Hickey, Graciela Monfort Anez, Parithi Balachandran, Anton Bankevich, Christine R. […]

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Mechanism of neurodegeneration mediated by clonal inflammatory microglia

Kavli Affiliate: Jean-Laurent Casanova | Authors: Rocio Vicario, Stamatina Fragkogianni, Maria Pokrovskii, Carina Mayer, Estibaliz Lopez-Rodrigo, Yang Hu, Masato Ogishi, Araitz Alberdi, Ann Baako, Oyku Ay, Isabelle Plu, Veronique Sazdovitch, Sebastien Heritier, Fleur Cohen-Aubart, Natalia Shor, Makoto Miyara, Florence Nguyen-Khac, Agnes Viale, Ahmed Idbaih, Zahir Amoura, Marc Rosenblum, Haochen Zhang, Elias-Ramzey Karnoub, Palash Sashittal, Akhil […]

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Ciliary biology intersects autism and congenital heart disease

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremy Willsey | Authors: Nia Teerikorpi, Micaela C Lasser, Sheng Wang, Elina Kostyanovskaya, Ethel Bader, Nawei Sun, Jeanselle Dea, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, A Jeremy Willsey and Helen Willsey | Summary: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly co-occurs with congenital heart disease (CHD), but the molecular mechanisms underlying this comorbidity remain unknown. Given that children […]

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Effects of ketamine on GABAergic and glutamatergic activity in the mPFC: biphasic recruitment of GABA function in antidepressant-like responses

Kavli Affiliate: Marina Picciotto | Authors: Manoela V Fogaca, Fernanda Daher and Marina Picciotto | Summary: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with disruptions in glutamatergic and GABAergic activity in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), leading to altered synaptic formation and function. Low doses of ketamine rapidly rescue these deficits, inducing fast and sustained antidepressant […]

Continue.. Effects of ketamine on GABAergic and glutamatergic activity in the mPFC: biphasic recruitment of GABA function in antidepressant-like responses