Why do we have so many excitatory neurons?

Kavli Affiliate: Carey Priebe and Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Qingyang Wang, Albert Cardona, Marta Zlatic, Joshua Vogelstein and Carey Priebe | Summary: Approximately four in five neurons are excitatory. This is true across functional regions and species. Why do we have so many excitatory neurons? Little is known. Here we provide a normative answer to […]

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Bi-level Graph Learning Unveils Prognosis-Relevant Tumor Microenvironment Patterns in Breast Multiplexed Digital Pathology

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremias Sulam | Authors: Zhenzhen Wang, Cesar A. Santa-Maria, Aleksander S. Popel and Jeremias Sulam | Summary: The tumor microenvironment is widely recognized for its central role in driving cancer progression and influencing prognostic outcomes. There have been increasing efforts dedicated to characterizing this complex and heterogeneous environment, including developing potential prognostic tools […]

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Brain-wide measurement of synaptic protein turnover reveals localized plasticity during learning

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown and Richard Huganir | Authors: Boaz Mohar, Gabriela Michel, Yi-Zhi Wang, Veronica Hernandez, Jonathan B. Grimm, Jin-Yong Park, Ronak Patel, Morgan Clarke, Timothy A. Brown, Cornelius Bergmann, Kamil K. Gebis, Anika P. Wilen, Bian Liu, Ricard Johnson, Austin Graves, Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Jeffrey N. Savas, Eugenio F. Fornasiero, Richard L. Huganir, Paul […]

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Endosomal hyper-acidification via proton-activated chloride channel deletion in neurons impairs AMPA receptor endocytosis and LTD

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Huganir | Authors: Kevin Chen, Junhua Yang, Bian Liu, Chaohua Jiang, Nicholas Koylass, Zhe Zhang, Shuying Sun, Richard L. Huganir and Zhaozhu Qiu | Summary: Endosomal homeostasis is critical for neuronal function, including the post-synaptic trafficking of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs). Dynamic AMPAR trafficking is a major component of synaptic plasticity, such […]

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Targeting the host transcription factor HSF1 prevents human cytomegalovirus replication in vitro and in vivo

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Juthi Biswas, Dilruba Akter, Michael J Miller, Dennis J Thiele, Eain A. Murphy, Christine O’Connor, Jennifer F Moffat and Gary Chan | Summary: Summary: FDA-approved antivirals against HCMV have several limitations, including only targeting the later stages of the viral replication cycle, adverse side effects, and the emergence of […]

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Transcriptomic characterization of human lateral septum neurons reveals conserved and divergent marker genes across species

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Robert A Phillips III, Seyun Oh, Svitlana V Bach, Yufeng Du, Ryan A Miller, Joel E Kleinman, Thomas M Hyde, Stephanie C Hicks, Stephanie Cerceo Page and Keri Martinowich | Summary: The lateral septum (LS) is a midline, subcortical structure, which regulates social behaviors that are frequently impaired in […]

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Mobius Assembly for Plant Systems highlights promoter-coding sequence terminator interaction in gene regulation

Kavli Affiliate: Andreas Andreou | Authors: Elif Gediz Kocaoglan, Andreas Andreou, Jessica Nirkko, Marisol Ochoa-Villarreal, Gary Loake and Naomi Nakayama | Summary: Plants are the primary biological platforms for producing food, energy, and materials in agriculture; however, they remain a minor player in the recent synthetic biology-driven transformation in bioproduction. Molecular tools and technologies for […]

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Altered development and network connectivity in a human neuronal model of 15q11.2 deletion-related neurodevelopmental disorders

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles | Authors: Christa Whelan Habela, Shiyu Liu, Arens Taga, Raha Dastgheyb, Norman Haughey, Dwight E Bergles, Hongjun Song, Guo-Li Ming and Nicholas J. Maragakis | Summary: The chromosome 15q11.2 locus is deleted in 1.5% of patients with genetic epilepsy and confers a risk for intellectual disability and schizophrenia. Individuals with this […]

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Heterogeneous responses to embryonic critical period perturbations among different components of the Drosophila larval locomotor circuit

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Niklas Krick, Jacob Davies, Bramwell Coulson, Daniel Sobrido-Camean, Michael Miller, Matthew C.W. Oswald, Aref Arzan Zarin, Richard Baines and Matthias Landgraf | Summary: As developing neural circuits become functional, they undergo a phase of heightened plasticity in response to intrinsic and/or extrinsic stimuli. These developmental windows are termed critical […]

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Characterizing cell-type spatial relationships across length scales in spatially resolved omics data

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Fan | Authors: Rafael dos Santos Peixoto, Brendan F Miller, Maigan A Brusko, Gohta Aihara, Lyla Atta, Manjari Anant, Mark A Atkinson, Todd M Brusko, Clive H Wasserfall and Jean Fan | Summary: Spatially resolved omics (SRO) technologies enable the identification of cell types while preserving their organization within tissues. Application of […]

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