Solving the where problem in neuroanatomy: a generative framework with learned mappings to register multimodal, incomplete data into a reference brain

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Daniel Jacob Tward, Bryson D P Gray, Xu Li, Bingxing Huo, Samik Banerjee, Stephen Savoia, Christopher Mezias, Sukhendu Das, Michael Miller and Partha Pratim Mitra | Summary: A current focus of research in neuroscience is to enumerate, map and annotate neuronal cell types in whole vertebrate brains using different […]

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in silico transcriptome dissection of neocortical excitatory neurogenesis via joint matrix decomposition and transfer learning

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Caffo | Authors: Shreyash Sonthalia, Guangyan Li, Xoel Mato Blanco, Alex Casella, Jinrui Liu, Genevieve Stein-O’Brien, Brian Caffo, Shaun Adkins, Joshua Orvis, Ronna Hertzano, Anup Mahurkar, Jesse A Gillis, Jonathan Werner, Shaojie Ma, Nicola Micali, Nenad Sestan, Pasko Rakic, Gabriel Santpere Baro, Seth A Ament and Carlo Colantuoni | Summary: The rising […]

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Rejuvenating silicon probes for acute electrophysiology

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Alden Shoup, Natasha Porwal, Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Paul Hage, Simon P Orozco and Reza Shadmehr | Summary: Electrophysiological recording with a new probe often yields better signal quality than with a used probe. Why does the signal quality degrade after only a few experiments? Here, we considered silicon probes […]

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Voice patches in the marmoset auditory cortex revealed by wide-field calcium imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Xiaoqin Wang | Authors: Yang Zhang, Xindong Song, Yueqi Guo, Chenggang Chen, Michael S Osmanski and Xiaoqin Wang | Summary: Healthy action selection relies on the coordinated activity of striatal direct and indirect pathway neurons. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), in which loss of midbrain dopamine neurons is associated with progressive motor and cognitive […]

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The olivary input to the cerebellum dissociates sensory events from movement plans

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Jay S Pi, Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Paul Hage, Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, Salomon Z Muller and Reza Shadmehr | Summary: Neurons in the inferior olive are thought to anatomically organize the Purkinje cells (P-cells) of the cerebellum into computational modules. To better understand what is computed by these modules, we designed […]

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The lateral habenula is required for maternal behavior in the mouse dam

Kavli Affiliate: David Linden | Authors: Jessie Benedict, Robert H. Cudmore, David J. Linden, Diarra Oden and Aleah Spruell | Summary: Mammalian parenting is an unusually demanding commitment. How did evolution co-opt the reward system to ensure parental care? Previous work has implicated the lateral habenula (LHb), an epithalamic nucleus, as a potential intersection of […]

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Substrate stiffness modulates the emergence and magnitude of senescence phenotypes

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Bartholomew Starich, Fan Yang, Derin Tanrioven, Heng-Chung Kung, Joanne Baek, Praful R. Nair, Pratik Kamat, Nico Macaluso, Joon Eoh, Kyu Sang Han, Luo Gu, Sean Sun, Pei-Hsun Wu, Denis Wirtz and Jude M. Phillip | Summary: Cellular senescence is a major driver of aging and disease. Here we show […]

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SEraster: a rasterization preprocessing framework for scalable spatial omics data analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Fan | Authors: Gohta Aihara, Kalen Clifton, Mayling Chen, Lyla Atta, Brendan F. Miller and Jean Fan | Summary: Motivation Spatial omics data demand computational analysis but many analysis tools have computational resource requirements that increase with the number of cells analyzed. This presents scalability challenges as researchers use spatial omics technologies […]

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A TBX5-dependent compartment boundary patterns the cardiac interventricular septum

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Irfan S Kathiriya, Martin H Dominguez, Kavitha S Rao, Jonathan M. Muncie-Vasic, W. Patrick Devine, Kevin M. Hu, Swetansu K Hota, Bayardo I Garay, Diego Quintero, Piyush Goyal, Megan N Matthews, Reuben Thomas, Tatyana Sukonnik, Dario Miguel-Perez, Sarah Winchester, Emily F Brower, AndrĂ© Forjaz, Pei-Hsun Wu, Denis Wirtz, Ashley […]

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Neural substrates underlying the expectation of rewards resulting from effortful exertion

Kavli Affiliate: Vikram Chib | Authors: Aram Kim and Vikram S. Chib | Summary: Expectations as a reference point shape our decisions to motivate effortful activity. Despite the important role of reference points in human performance, little is known about how the brain processes expectations to guide motivated exertion. Participants completed a reward-based effort task […]

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