Three-dimensional reconstruction of fetal rhesus macaque kidneys at single-cell resolution reveals complex inter-relation of structures

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Lucie Dequiedt, Andre Forjaz, Jamie O. Lo, Owen J McCarty, Pei-Hsun Wu, Avi Rosenberg, Denis Wirtz and Ashley L. Kiemen | Summary: Kidneys are among the most structurally complex organs in the body. Their architecture is critical to ensure proper function and is often impacted by diseases such as […]

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Foraging Under Uncertainty Follows the Marginal Value Theorem with Bayesian Updating of Environment Representations

Kavli Affiliate: Daeyeol Lee | Authors: James Webb, Paul Steffan, Benjamin Y Hayden, Daeyeol Lee, Caleb Kemere and Matthew McGinley | Summary: Foraging theory has been a remarkably successful approach to understanding the behavior of animals in many contexts. In patch-based foraging contexts, the marginal value theorem (MVT) shows that the optimal strategy is to […]

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Contributions of mirror-image hair cell orientation to mouse otolith organ and zebrafish neuromast function

Kavli Affiliate: Kathleen Cullen | Authors: Kazuya Ono, Amandine Jarysta, Natasha Hughes, Alma Jukic, Vanessa H.H. Chang, Michael R Deans, Ruth Anne Eatock, Kathleen E Cullen, Katie S Kindt and Basile Tarchini | Summary: Otolith organs in the inner ear and neuromasts in the fish lateral-line harbor two populations of hair cells oriented to detect […]

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Three-dimensional assessments are necessary to determine the true, spatially-resolved composition of tissues

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: André Forjaz, Eduarda Vaz, Valentina Matos Romero, Saurabh Joshi, Alicia M. Braxton, Ann C. Jiang, Kohei Fujikura, Toby Cornish, Seung-Mo Hong, Ralph H. Hruban, Pei-Hsun Wu, Laura D. Wood, Ashley L. Kiemen and Denis Wirtz | Summary: Methods for spatially resolved cellular profiling using thinly cut sections have enabled […]

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Generative interpolation and restoration of images using deep learning for improved 3D tissue mapping

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Saurabh Joshi, André Forjaz, Kyu Sang Han, Yu Shen, Daniel Xenes, Jordan Matelsky, Brock Wester, Arrate Munoz-Barrutia, Ashley L Kiemen, Pei-Hsun Wu and Denis Wirtz | Summary: The development of novel imaging platforms has improved our ability to collect and analyze large three-dimensional (3D) biological imaging datasets. Advances in […]

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A 3D in vitro assay to study combined immune cell infiltration and cytotoxicity

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Ashleigh J Crawford, Adrian Johnston, Wenxuan Du, Eban A Hanna, David Schell, Zeqi Wan, Ting-Hsi Chen, Fan Wu, Kehan Ren, Yeongseo Lim, Praful R Nair and Denis Wirtz | Summary: Immune cell-mediated killing of cancer cells in a solid tumor is prefaced by a multi-step infiltration cascade of invasion, […]

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Small extracellular vesicles promote stiffness-mediated metastasis

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Alexandra Sneider, Ying Liu, Bartholomew Starich, Wenxuan Du, Carolyn Marar, Najwa Faqih, Gabrielle E Ciotti, Joo Ho Kim, Sejal Krishnan, Salma Ibrahim, Muna Igboko, Alexus Locke, Daniel M Lewis, Hanna Hong, Michelle Karl, Raghav Vij, Gabriella C Russo, Praful R Nair, Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal, Mehran Habibi, Arrate Munoz-Barrutia, Luo Gu, […]

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A Novel Dual Probe-based Method for Mutation Detection using Isothermal Amplification

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Nidhi Nandu, Michael Miller, Yanhong Tong and Zhi-xiang Lu | Summary: Cost efficient and rapid detection tools to detect mutations especially those linked to drug-resistance are important to address concerns of the rising multi-drug resistance infections. Here we integrated dual probes, namely a calibrator probe and an indicator probe, […]

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Serine synthesis pathway upregulated by E-cadherin is essential for the proliferation and metastasis of breast cancers

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Geonhui Lee, Claudia Wong, Anna Cho, Junior J. West, Ashleigh J. Crawford, Gabriella C. Russo, Bishwa Ranjan Si, Jungwoo Kim, Lauren Hoffner, Cholsoon Jang, Moonjung Jung, Robert D. Leone, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Andrew J. Ewald, Denis Wirtz and Sangmoo Jeong | Summary: The loss of E-cadherin (E-cad), an epithelial cell […]

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Pulsatile electrical stimulation creates predictable, correctable disruptions in neural firing

Kavli Affiliate: Kathleen Cullen | Authors: Cynthia R Steinhardt, Diana E Mitchell, Kathleen E Cullen and Gene Y Fridman | Summary: Electrical stimulation is a key tool in neuroscience, both in brain mapping studies and in many therapeutic applications such as cochlear, vestibular, and retinal neural implants. Due to safety considerations, stimulation is restricted to […]

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