“Molecular waveplate” for the control of ultrashort pulses carrying orbital angular momentum

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Chengqing Xu, Lixin He, Wanchen Tao, Xiaosong Zhu, Feng Wang | Summary: Ultrashort laser pulses carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) have become essential tools in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) studies, particularly for investigating strong-field light-matter interactions. However, controlling and generating ultrashort vortex pulses presents significant challenges, […]

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Early r-process Enrichment and Hierarchical Assembly Across the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Frebel | First 5 Authors: Xiaowei Ou, Alexander Yelland, Anirudh Chiti, Anna Frebel, Guilherme Limberg | Summary: Dwarf galaxies like Sagittarius (Sgr) provide a unique window into the early stages of galactic chemical evolution, particularly through their metal-poor stars. By studying the chemical abundances of stars in the Sgr core and tidal […]

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Automatic detection of fluorescently labeled synapses in volumetric in vivo imaging data

Kavli Affiliate: Adam S. Charles and Richard Huganir | Authors: Zhining Chen, Gabrielle I. Coste, Evan Li, Richard L. Huganir, Austin R. Graves and Adam Charles | Summary: Synapses are submicron structures that connect and enable communication between neurons. Many forms of learning are thought to be encoded by synaptic plasticity, wherein the strength of […]

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Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Nanotubes with Room Curie Temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Jia Wen Li, Gang Su, Bo Gu, , | Summary: Realizing ferromagnetic semiconductors with room Curie temperature $Trm_C$ remains a challenge in spintronics. Inspired by the recent experimental progress on the nanotubes based on 2D van der Waals non-magnetic transition-metal dichalcogenides, magnetic nanotubes based on monolayer ferromagnetic […]

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Molecular Drivers of RNA Phase Separation

Kavli Affiliate: V. S. Ramachandran | Authors: Marc Turner, Sarah Robinson-Schwartz, Siavash Fazel Darbandi, John L.R. Rubenstein and Vikaas Singh Sohal | Summary: RNA molecules are essential in orchestrating the assembly of biomolecular condensates and membraneless compartments in cells. Many condensates form via the association of RNA with proteins containing specific RNA binding motifs. However, […]

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Mef2c Controls Postnatal Callosal Axon Targeting by Regulating Sensitivity to Ephrin Repulsion

Kavli Affiliate: Alex Kolodkin | Authors: Sriram Sudarsanam, Luis Guzman-Clavel, Nyle Dar, Jakub Ziak, Naseer Shahid, Xinyu O Jin and Alex L Kolodkin | Summary: Cortical connectivity is contingent on ordered emergence of neuron subtypes followed by the formation of subtype-specific axon projections. Intracortical circuits, including long-range callosal projections, are crucial for information processing, but […]

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Loss of the autism associated gene Tbr1 disrupts prediction and encoding by prefrontal ensembles during socioemotional behaviors

Kavli Affiliate: John Rubenstein and Vikaas Sohal | Authors: Marc Turner, Sarah Robinson-Schwartz, Siavash Fazel Darbandi, John L.R. Rubenstein and Vikaas Singh Sohal | Summary: Disruptions in many genes linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affect synaptic function and socioemotional behaviors in mice. However, exactly how synaptic dysfunction alters neural activity patterns underlying behavior remains […]

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BlackTHUNDER — A non-stellar Balmer break in a black hole-dominated little red dot at $z=7.04$

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Xihan Ji, Roberto Maiolino, Hannah Übler, Jan Scholtz, Francesco D’Eugenio | Summary: Recent observations from JWST have revealed an abundant population of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and so-called “Little Red Dots” (LRDs) at $2lesssim z lesssim 11$, many of which are characterized by V-shaped UV-to-optical continua with […]

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BlackTHUNDER — A non-stellar Balmer break in a black hole-dominated little red dot at $z=7.04$

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Xihan Ji, Roberto Maiolino, Hannah Übler, Jan Scholtz, Francesco D’Eugenio | Summary: Recent observations from JWST have revealed an abundant population of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and so-called “Little Red Dots” (LRDs) at $2lesssim z lesssim 11$, many of which are characterized by V-shaped UV-to-optical continua with […]

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On the equivalence between galaxy angular correlation function and power spectrum in constraining primordial non-Gaussianity

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada | First 5 Authors: Ryo Terasawa, Yue Nan, Masahiro Takada, , | Summary: We investigate the angular power spectrum ($C_ell)$ and angular correlation function ($w(theta)$) of galaxy number density field in the presence of the local-type primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG), explicitly accounting for the integral constraint in an all-sky survey. We show […]

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