The THESAN project: tracking the expansion and merger histories of ionized bubbles during the Epoch of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Nathan Jamieson, Aaron Smith, Meredith Neyer, Rahul Kannan, Enrico Garaldi | Summary: The growth of ionized hydrogen bubbles in the intergalactic medium around early luminous objects is a fundamental process during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). In this study, we analyze bubble sizes and their evolution using […]

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Intelligent Adaptive Metasurface in Complex Wireless Environments

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Han Qing Yang, Jun Yan Dai, Hui Dong Li, Lijie Wu, Meng Zhen Zhang | Summary: The programmable metasurface is regarded as one of the most promising transformative technologies for next-generation wireless system applications. Due to the lack of effective perception ability of the external electromagnetic environment, […]

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Numerical Analysis of Lensless Imaging with Active Metasurfaces and Single-Pixel Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Julie Belleville, Prachi Thureja, Harry A. Atwater, , | Summary: We introduce a conceptual framework for a lensless imaging system which employs an active metasurface as a high-frequency, continuously tunable amplitude and phase modulation aperture, coupled to a discrete single-pixel detector. Using an array factor formalism, […]

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Allosteric regulation of the tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B by a protein-protein interaction

Kavli Affiliate: Ann McDermott | Authors: Cassandra A Chartier, Virgil A Woods, Yunyao Xu, Anne E van Vlimmeren, Marko Jovanovic, Ann E McDermott, Daniel A Keedy and Neel H Shah | Summary: The rapid identification of protein-protein interactions has been significantly enabled by mass spectrometry (MS) proteomics-based methods, including affinity purification-MS, crosslinking-MS, and proximity-labeling proteomics. […]

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Crunch from AdS bubble collapse in unbounded potentials

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Kaloian D. Lozanov, Misao Sasaki, , , | Summary: We consider a scalar field theory with a Minkowski false vacuum and an unbounded (or very deep) true vacuum. We show compelling evidence that an AdS bubble of vanishing total energy, embedded in asymptotically flat spacetime, generically undergoes […]

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Crunch from AdS bubble collapse in unbounded potentials

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Kaloian D. Lozanov, Misao Sasaki, , , | Summary: We consider a scalar field theory with a Minkowski false vacuum and an unbounded (or very deep) true vacuum. We show compelling evidence that an AdS bubble of vanishing total energy, embedded in asymptotically flat spacetime, generically undergoes […]

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Real-time propagation of adaptive sampling selected configuration interaction wave function

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Avijit Shee, Zhen Huang, Martin Head-Gordon, K. Birgitta Whaley, | Summary: We have developed a new time propagation method, time-dependent adaptive sampling configuration interaction (TD-ASCI), to describe the dynamics of a strongly correlated system. We employ the short iterative Lanczos (SIL) method as the time-integrator, which provides […]

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Two-dimensional room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Jia-Wen Li, Gang Su, Bo Gu, , | Summary: To realize ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperature TC is still a challenge in spintronics. Recent experiments have obtained two-dimensional (2D) room temperature ferromagnetic metals, such as monolayers MnSe2 and Cr3Te6. In this paper, by the density functional […]

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Two-dimensional room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Bo Gu | First 5 Authors: Jia-Wen Li, Gang Su, Bo Gu, , | Summary: To realize ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperature TC is still a challenge in spintronics. Recent experiments have obtained two-dimensional (2D) room temperature ferromagnetic metals, such as monolayers MnSe2 and Cr3Te6. In this paper, by the density functional […]

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A halo model approach for mock catalogs of time-variable strong gravitational lenses

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Katsuya T. Abe, Masamune Oguri, Simon Birrer, Narayan Khadka, Philip J. Marshall | Summary: Time delays in both galaxy- and cluster-scale strong gravitational lenses have recently attracted a lot of attention in the context of the Hubble tension. Future wide-field cadenced surveys, such as the LSST, […]

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