Unusual Hard X-ray Flares Caught in NICER Monitoring of the Binary Supermassive Black Hole Candidate AT2019cuk/Tick Tock/SDSS J1430+2303

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald A. Remillard | First 5 Authors: Megan Masterson, Erin Kara, Dheeraj R. Pasham, Daniel J. D’Orazio, Dominic J. Walton | Summary: The nuclear transient AT2019cuk/Tick Tock/SDSS J1430+2303 has been suggested to harbor a supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary near coalescence. We report results from high-cadence NICER X-ray monitoring with multiple visits per […]

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The interplay between accretion, galaxy downsizing and the formation of box/peanut bulges in TNG50

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Stuart Robert Anderson, Steven Gough-Kelly, Victor P. Debattista, Min Du, Peter Erwin | Summary: From the TNG50 cosmological simulation we build a sample of 191 well-resolved barred galaxies with a stellar mass $log M_star > 10$ at $z=0$. We search for box/peanut bulges (BPs) in this sample, […]

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A Fiber-coupled Scanning Magnetometer with Nitrogen-Vacancy Spins in a Diamond Nanobeam

Kavli Affiliate: Toeno Van Der Sar | First 5 Authors: Yufan Li, Fabian A. Gerritsma, Samer Kurdi, Nina Codreanu, Simon Gröblacher | Summary: Magnetic imaging with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) spins in diamond is becoming an established tool for studying nanoscale physics in condensed matter systems. However, the optical access required for NV spin readout remains an […]

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A Fiber-coupled Scanning Magnetometer with Nitrogen-Vacancy Spins in a Diamond Nanobeam

Kavli Affiliate: Toeno Van Der Sar | First 5 Authors: Yufan Li, Fabian A. Gerritsma, Samer Kurdi, Nina Codreanu, Simon Gröblacher | Summary: Magnetic imaging with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) spins in diamond is becoming an established tool for studying nanoscale physics in condensed matter systems. However, the optical access required for NV spin readout remains an […]

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Employing High-temperature-grown SrZrO$_3$ Buffer to Enhance the Electron Mobility in La:BaSnO$_3$-based Heterostructures

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Prosper Ngabonziza, Jisung Park, Wilfried Sigle, Peter A. van Aken, Jochen Mannhart | Summary: We report a synthetic route to achieve high electron mobility at room temperature in epitaxial La:BaSnO$_3$/SrZrO$_3$ heterostructures prepared on several oxide substrates. Room-temperature mobilities of 157, 145, and 143 cm$^2$V$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$ are achieved […]

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Wet Compaction to a Blue Nugget: a Critical Phase in Galaxy Evolution

Sharon Lapiner, Avishai Dekel, Jonathan Freundlich, Omri Ginzburg, Fangzhou Jiang | Summary: [[{“value”:”We utilize high-resolution cosmological simulations to reveal that high-redshift galaxies tend to undergo a robust `wet compaction’ event when near a `golden’ stellar mass of $sim 10^{10} M_{odot}$. This is a gaseous shrinkage to a compact star-forming phase, a `blue nugget’ (BN), followed […]

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Wet Compaction to a Blue Nugget: a Critical Phase in Galaxy Evolution

Sharon Lapiner, Avishai Dekel, Jonathan Freundlich, Omri Ginzburg, Fangzhou Jiang | Summary: [[{“value”:”We utilize high-resolution cosmological simulations to reveal that high-redshift galaxies tend to undergo a robust `wet compaction’ event when near a `golden’ stellar mass of $sim 10^{10} M_{odot}$. This is a gaseous shrinkage to a compact star-forming phase, a `blue nugget’ (BN), followed […]

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Neuronal Transcriptome Disruption, Tau Accumulation and Synapse Loss in Alzheimer’s Knock-in Mice Require Cellular Prion Protein

Kavli Affiliate: Stephen Strittmatter | Authors: Austin Stoner, Li Fu, LaShae Nicholson, Chao Zheng, Takuya Toyonaga, Joshua Spurrier, Will Laird, Zhengxin Cai and Stephen M. Strittmatter | Summary: Background Cellular prion protein (PrPC) is a high-affinity cell-surface receptor for Amyloid-β oligomers (Aßo). In certain overexpression models of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), pharmacology and genetics demonstrate its […]

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AGN STORM 2: II. Ultraviolet Observations of Mrk817 with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Erin A. Kara | First 5 Authors: Y. Homayouni, Gisella De Rosa, Rachel Plesha, Gerard A. Kriss, Aaron J. Barth | Summary: We present reverberation mapping measurements for the prominent ultraviolet broad emission lines of the active galactic nucleus Mrk817 using 165 spectra obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space […]

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AGN STORM 2: II. Ultraviolet Observations of Mrk817 with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Erin A. Kara | First 5 Authors: Y. Homayouni, Gisella De Rosa, Rachel Plesha, Gerard A. Kriss, Aaron J. Barth | Summary: We present reverberation mapping measurements for the prominent ultraviolet broad emission lines of the active galactic nucleus Mrk817 using 165 spectra obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space […]

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